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TVs for display, communication and celebration

Traditionally, schools have rarely taken the opportunity to share the work of pupils and staff readily. Often, pupils will have completed their work in exercise books, privy only to themselves, their teacher and possibly their parents (if they are lucky!)

Sometimes, there are rare moments to share work with the whole class, or maybe even a friend or the deputy / head teacher.

To me, this feels like a huge waste of effort, on behalf of the pupil. Sometimes, it surprises me why pupils are so motivated to produce work that doesn't get seen by that many people and for the author to feel a sense of achievement, enough to aspire them to work even harder on the next piece. May be, we are just fortunate that they do.

However, the tide is turning. Cheap(er) electronics have afforded us the opportunity to have work enlarged and presented more readily. Most classrooms have an Interactive Whiteboard for instance. This is ideal for presenting and showing work. 

Some schools have high quality LCD TV which can be installed quickly and cheaply. Connected to a computer, hidden behind the screen, children's work can be displayed electronically, and allowed to cycle between a whole school's portfolio of work. Impressive for the visitor and even more impressive for the pupil.

Everyone benefits from such affordable technology. Why not consider one for your school?

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