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the NEW iPod

Apple are claiming 'the best just got better' ...but not by much it seems....

Yeah, it's using an innovative Apple Click Wheel, is that really great? I have trouble with the touch sensitive buttons sometimes - they are just too sensitive. I can see myself getting into a right pickle with buttons on the wheel as well as the 'jog shuttle' arrangement too.

I'm a little surprised Apple has only increased the battery life of the iPod, 12 hours as opposed to only 8 hours. Much cooler would be 60Gb drives, or, dare i say it, the viPod (video iPod)

Now I understand why Steve Jobs didn't announce the new iPod at WWDC.


For those of us trying to figure out how to get our hands on an iPod but are short on the cash you can perhaps win one each day til Sept 23rd. You can check it at out www.1800flowers.com. iPod forever!


If you sign up for a free iPod and register for one of the offers that are available at this site. I will send you $3 via PayPal.

Please use this link to register:


If you decide to do so please email me at craigandjess@gmail.com

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