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Professor Stephen Heppell talks briefly about 21st Century learning on BBC Breakfast


During the middle of last week, Stephen Heppell spoke on BBC Breakfast about the future of learning in the 21st Century, lifelong learning and how we should be building a model of education which is personalised to the needs of individual students. It is clear that we aren't in a world where "one size fits all" and it now seems ludicrous to still be placing children in classes simply because they share a birthday between two Septembers.

A few people had missed Stephen's piece on the BBC Breakfast programme, it was on pretty early (!) so I've put it here, courtesy of the BBC. Watch the programme online.


Stephen often speaks publicly on this very important issue, such as his Radio 4 Interview on the Today programme, which was also broadcast last week. Stephen says 4 out of 10 students are backwards in their learning from where they were when they moved from Primary school to Secondary school. Stephen continues by stressing that schools need to be "seductive and engaging places" if students aren't going to be lost from a love of learning. Listen online.


Jonathon, thank you for keeping this. I saw it at the time but now need to reference it. Thanks to your foresight and Google, I have now found it again.

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