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Random websites

Spent the evening looking at random websites, years ago Tom Smith and I wrote a little AppleScript which found random websites using a service provided by Yahoo. The script no longer works, it did for years and boy did I stumble across sites that never in my life would I find again, like the complete guide to lockpicking!

I still crave for a script which fires off a request for a random website every 5 minutes or so. This site kinda interested me.....it randomly generates a word and adds .com to it.

Seethru Web....

...which led me to this very funny site....



Here is a wee appleScript that seems to do something like that.
on run
(do shell script ("sed -n $[ $RANDOM % $(wc -l < /usr/share/dict/words) + 1 ]p /usr/share/dict/words"))
set x to the result
set turl to "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q= " & x & "&btnI=I%27m+Feeling+Lucky"
tell application "Safari"
open location turl
end tell
end run
no error checking and my knowledge of shell is slim to say the least.
Sandaig Otters my primary school class blog.

Excellent, can't tell you how much I've been looking for a script that does just this!



How about the infinite improbability drive on h2g2?


cool. Hadn't seen this before. Looks like a whole load of random articles get displayed.


i have just gone back to safari after being with firefox for a while, I do like stumbleupon on firefox, for its "seemingly" random picking of websites, so this looks good as stumble doesn't have a plugin for Safari.

I would add to my last note....I am no scripter, and this script works brilliantly, but seems only to come up with websites consisiting of one word... so I wonder is it possible to add greater variables, by putting multiple words together or adding a hyphen?

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