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Skype - free internet telephony



i don't know if it is the same in your country but in Canada you don't need an actual functioning telephone just the lines runing to your house and they do what is called a "dry loop" which allows for internet but no phone service. With that you are not charged for the telepnone service only your internet. One charge only. I recently got skype here but it is at a flat rate of 12.50 pounds for twelve months of service to Canada and the United States. Hope the "dry loop" thing helps.



Bull. These guys sell $5 worth of skype credit for $7. Do not get caught....

i would be grateful id you could get me any free vouchers, via skype or email me crutchiemcfield@gmail.com

i need a skype voucher of gift certificate. Pleas meail me on; info4wales at yahoo.com

i need a skype voucher of gift certificate. Pleas meail me on;dwntownmrbrwn@gmail.com

sorry, can't help you with skype vouchers.

Thanks for your comment.


Skype has made my life a lot easier having a skypin number is cheap and is great. my skype name is simonf64852 if anyone want's a chat.

Hi, I've tried this site to puchase Skype vouchers/gift certificate and it works great. Hope it helps you guys http://www.cc4net.com

Why worry about skype when you have so many other alternatives. do check out my blog dedicated to VOIP free Calls. It's read by more than 5000 people everyday.


Hi if anyone has Skype Vouchers, could I please have the code? I don't care if it has already expired. I am using the numbers for research and it would REALLY help if I had more than one number.

Please email them here: alexjustdoit@gmail.com


there are other alternatives that give more offers than Skype, for example pfingo and mobivox
you can consult all these offers on this site dedicated to free internet phone service


The post was really helpful.

Thanks & Regards,

Ujjwal B Soni

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