My MacBook Pro connects directly to an Apple Cinema Screen. Whilst my Cinema screen is somewhat old with a standard DVI connector, my MacBook uses the Ultra-cool Thunderbolt interface.
As many Mac fans will know, the early Cinema screens has a multitude of connectors all clustered together at the end of it;s single, reasonably bulky cable. I have a DVI to Thunderbolt connector, but I disliked the array of other connectors sprawled across my desk - quite unnecessarily and each connector was a perfect habitat for dust.
Having spotted this Thunderbolt extension cable, I wanted to see if this solved my issues.
All I have now on my desk are three connectors. Power. Ethernet. Thunderbolt.
If you are looking to do something similar, this is what you are looking for!
Dr. Bott 2m Mini DisplayPort Extension
(ps. this doesn't prevent the nest of cables tucked away, tangled but crucially out of sight, behind the desk!)