Wow pretty much sums up my thinking when I first explored this new application on the iPhone.
I've seen and attempted (!) to use dictation software on a variety of systems in the past, all mostly, time consuming and wildly inaccurate. At first, I doubted likelihood of this software being any better, but I installed it and gave it a go!
It's really this simple...
Step 1. Load Dragon Dictation |
Step 2. Get ready to dictate! |
Step 3. Dictate! |
.jpg) |
.jpg) |
Step 4. Edit any mistakes. |
Step 5. Choose an alternative? |
Step 6. Complete and post. |
Inspired by the accuracy of this tool, I'll be introducing it to some teachers tomorrow to discuss how it can support learners who struggle with writing. This of course isn't a substitute for pupils writing, but initially, it will be highly effective at allowing unconfident writers to communicate their ideas, their story without having to worry about how words are spelt or letters are formed. This can be the cause of a huge frustration for young learners, especially those who find writing difficult further into KS2 where their peers are writing confidently and freely.
On further reflection, the dragon dictate software could be a useful tool to support speech and language work, providing that reassurance and reward when pupils are speak clearly and confidently. Lots of potential here I feel.
The software also works brilliantly on the iPod Touch and iPads. Could this be yet another use for these portable devices in the classroom?
How else could this software be used to support learning in home and school? Please add your thoughts here.