Now Get Out Of That - Scout Day Hike

Five boys from our scout unit, 3rd Billericay Orion Troop took part in the annual Now Get Out Of That district hiking event. This is an opportunity for boys to practice and demonstrate their map reading and on-the-ground navigation skills during a short 6 mile hike. Apart from the rather tricky navigation, the scouts have to prepare and cook a hot meal for lunch - our boys opted for a pasta dish in a bolognese sauce. Leaders were stationed at checkpoints along the route to monitor the boys progress.
It was a very satisfying experience watching the boys demonstrate all they know and understand with maps, compasses and grid references. Although this wasn't a competition, nor was it a race, our boys made it to the finish first despite being the second from last group to set off. They set themselves a consistent walking pace and showed great maturity. Well done!
27 September 2005 - 5:28am
29 September 2005 - 7:25am
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