(Just another brick in ...) The Wonder Wall
Tonight is TeachMeet night, at the BETT 2013 show. It's a complete sell-out, and was within minutes of the tickets going live.
It also appears that there are many presenters too, more speakers than there this is time for them all to present. The random speaker selector engine will be in full swing this evening.
My nano presentation (that'll be just 2 minutes then) is all prepared and can be downloaded from here.
I'll be sharing how I have used a blogging tool and how posting an entry via an email is a really simple way of capturing a photo and posting some text online to celebrate a child's achievement. I've called this the Wonder Wall.
Whether I'm chosen to present tonight or not, you can probably get the gist of what I'm talking about from here.
(Just another brick in...) The Wonder Wall (PPT)
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