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BT Home Hub and bad manners

Does this happen to you too?


It feels like most evenings, at around this time, the BT Home Hub checks for a software update and perhaps updates the firmware of the device, who actually knows (!?) - but in doing so, drops the connection and stops whatever I'm doing at the time completely. Not so bad for web browsing, but very bad for uploading files and an application which requires the user to maintain a live Internet connection.


It's nothing short of dreadful and I find it incredibly frustrating that as a user,

  1. I receive no warning that my Internet connection is about to be lost (otherwise I could prepare for it)
  2. I have no choice about whether I want to have my Internet connection service disconnected
  3. I have no way setting an alternative time when updates can take place.

Surely in most people's lives, 4am is much much better than 1am ?

In fact my own server access logs tell me that the least access to my pages takes place between 4am and 5am. Bizarre. Why don't BT think to set automatic updates at this time too?

I recently ran into a whole heap of trouble when the BT Home Hub refused to reboot after an update. After several support calls to BT Support... I finally got through to a Mac specialist who explained that the version of the Home Hub firmware was corrupt and that I needed to reinstall the firmware. Handily enough, the firmware is available on the installation CD and that I could reinstall the Home Hub's firmware software myself with the equipment I had... how cool is that!?

OK, not that cool really as I shouldn't have had to do this in the first instance.

...but hey, I'm all into fixing things myself.


  1. Insert BT Home Hub CD.
  2. Connect an Ethernet cable between Mac and BT Home Hub
  3. CTRL click the Install icon.
  4. click on Show Packages.


  5. Look inside a folder called 'UpgradeWizard' and click on 'menu'.


  6. Follow screen instructions.

Hope this is useful, but that you never need to experience the pain for yourself.

Please keep this service running.

Due to the enormous interest in this page and the large amount of traffic coming to my server host, I would really appreciate a donation towards the hosting costs of this service. Many thanks for your understanding.



Update on my situation, as posted 17 April.

Didn't receive Home Hub for over a week so phoned back and was then told I was expected to fork out £90 for a replacement for my "free" Home Hub as that offer had expired. A few phone calls later I managed to get them to agree to send it out for free.

And then something strange happened - my internet began working properly. For the first time in months I could go on it without the connection dropping every couple of minutes, and since then it's been fine.

I left it a couple of days and then phoned up and explained my net was actually working (which really confused the call centre staff!) and we agreed it best to monitor the situation and if it was fine, no new Home Hub would be required.

I updated them a week or so later and since then it's been fine.

But then, last Friday, I get a new Home Hub delivered, one which I no longer required and believed had been cancelled. I rang up to try and arrange for it to be picked up or sent back, but they've just told me to keep it now to save them sending out another one if it goes wrong again! I bet though I'll get a latter asking why I haven't sent it back in a couple of weeks.

I see you are using a Mac, so you don't need to install BT's software at all - you can just whizz their CD in the bin. Your Mac will detect the Home Hub just fine on its own, and probably more reliably. Just plug in and you're off, or open Network Preferences to quickly set up wifi. Installing those dodgy drivers on your machine could well lie at the root of your problems.

After lots and lots of trouble with my BT HH my phone line started to give problems also.
Especially when it rained, until finally with lots of crackles my phone connection died.
BT finally sent a couple of engineers. This was not before they had threated me with instant death or something similar, if it turned out that the problem was either my phone or the line inside the house.
The engineers clambered around and discovered a pair of green corroded wires midway between the outside pole and the house at an anchor point on my garage.
It turned out that during a copper shortage years ago, BT used all sorts of wire types such as aluminium or steel. The junctions between these and the proper copper wires fail after a few years and all these odd wires must be replaced with copper.
My wiring hadn't all been replaced so of course eventually failed.
The engineers also rerouted my input to a new integrated consumer socket that doesn't require an external ADSL filter.
Since the wiring was replaced my speed has doubled and I haven't had a problem with the HH.
I reckon that the crackling due to the bad wiring randomly produced codes in the connection that the HH couldn't resolve resulting in it locking up. ie. a firmware problem...

phoned b.t india 2 times everyday 2hours everyday.same thing said to me each time screen sharing everytime put on hold everytime.nothing sorted out even said would quit b.t 4 times still nothing sorted out.aparently i will have to pay a cancelation fee if i leave please bring back british speaking normal people.ha ha.never been so frustated in all my life.lost all faith in b.t

i have a bt home hub and sometimes i hate it
because im on xbox live playing fifa 09 and in a live match and im winning 5-0
then it stops
and i check on my laptop it says its disconnected from the network
this happens about 3 times a day and im sick of it
cant they just tell us when it will happen so we can stop we are doing

BT Home Hub has given me nothing but problems from day 1.

I use it in a wired connection with my PS3 & Xbox, I used to get "An Ethernet Cable is not connected" every time I tried to go online, turns out it was because the Home Hub was taking too long to open ports for the consoles to access the internet.

Now any online game im in I always end up lagging with a very temperamental connection, at the start of a game I would have a full connection, then 5 mins in Id have the worst connection, this happens all day with no explanation as to why.

YouTube pages will 'sometimes' load for me, but mostly they dont, MegaVideo does not work atall as of 4 days ago! I used MegaVideo almost everyday for months, and now all of a sudden every time I try use MegaVideo I just get 'Connection Problem'. Again... no explanation.

If anyone has a solution to my problems please tell me Razmossis@hotmail.com


Been using BTHH (white version) for a good while now, and then two nights ago my PDA stopped being able to connect to it wirelessly, as did my laptop. I've re-booted everything, reset the hub, reinstalled the software. Each time I get a signal for short time which I may be able to connect to and maybe not. Even when sitting within feet of the hub.
I rang India and they wanted me to connect my laptop via an ethernet line and they would then take control to see what was wrong. Really can't see how this would help, I mean obviously it would work,
The only thing I've noticed differently is that another wireless network has apeared in the vicinity at the same time I noticed problems. I'm in the process of trying different wireless channels right now, but none appear to be an improvement.
Anyone got similar experiences/solutions.

Hey Guys my name is sam i am 14 years old i live in a little cottage in the UK called tebay its in a county called cumbria please could someone tell me how fast i could download with my 8mb bt broadband hub if my local exchange is 2 and a half miles away could someone reply asap please


you are right

I use two internet connections, one is 1.3km from the exchange and has a single nte5 socket in the house and no extensions and works like a dog, speeds down to 2 meg at times and upload speeds down to 23kbps when the router is in sync at 8meg.

The other is TalkTalk connection on a 6.6km line and it works at 3.5 meg all the time from any socket in the house.

Well done TalkTalk, come on BT....

I was with Tiscali and had no problems. I was getting between 6.5 and 7.5 meg on an 8 meg link. That's pretty normal and with-in an expected range. I switched to BT after being offered a "better" deal. Actually, it worked out about £20 more per month, despite their claim of being £10 less. On one occassion I spent an hour and a half on the phone to a chap in India who didn't understand basic math, teaching him how to do addition. No kidding.

The first issue is that as soon as my exchange switched on 21CN in February of this year, my speed dropped to about 4meg. BT denied any problem or that any change had taken place, yet it was well documented on various technical sites that my exchange had switched to 21CN - so a change had taken place.

In July this year, BT started spamming my post, phone and email with advertisements for 20 meg broadband. They were quite aggressive in the amount of advertising and it was annoying. At the same time, my connection speed dropped to between 1 and 2 meg. BT still denied a speed problem. But they kept, repeatedly, suggesting that if I switched to their 20meg package I would see a vast improvement.

To me this reeked of mob style behaviour. Cripple the customer's connection to convince them that upgrading would improve the speed. I wouldn't buy it. Instead I switched broadband providers to a different LLU. My connection speed is now back to 6.5 meg. My new ISP have also run tests and asked me to perform various tests, and they are 100% sure that the problem is down to BT and noise on the line from outside of my property.

So I have a BT engineer coming out, after BT now acknowledge there may well be a problem. But having seen the Watchdog programme about BT engineers charging £150+ and claiming there was no fault or the fault was that of the customer, I am very worried they will try to rip me off ... again.

Hi all
My internet firefox forever crashing?if you have informations about this problem, please help me.
Thank you.

Good day!
i have some problem about firefox. it is forever crashing. Why crashing i dont understand. can you help me?
best regards...

I have noticed a distinct lack of some very important features on the homehub config page(even under "advanced" settings...)
I have also noticed that streaming from most sites is slowed to a crawl for no good reason, although for the first week or so when my line was "tested"(right....) they would stream in at full speed(i.e. a matter of seconds) as I have an ACTUAL download speed of 18Mb/s in testing.
I fully understand throttling P2P between 4PM & Midnight, but this is a joke.
I work in IT & have done every conceivable tweak in & out of the command prompt to try & alleviate this, so I am left thinking it can only be BT & their rubbish routers.
Considering plopping money down on a GOOD router sometime soon....


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