Jonathan, Mandy and Hayley visited Danbury Outdoor Centre to listen and participate in a training session about how the Forest Schools initiative operates.

Forest School base |

Mandy and Hayley listen intently to how the children are organised. |

Weaving with natural materials and mirrors for canopy views. |

Crowns decorated with nature. Become the 'Earl of.....' |

Sticky backed card allows leaves, twigs and moss to be stuck to the outside. |

Just a piece of string? Give it a twist and add bits of nature between then the twists. |

Trays for collecting material and bug collecting pots. |

Small digging tools, trowels and forks |

Chain for marking a fire circle. |

Use the chain to mark out a fire circle. |

Children must learn the rules when establishing a fire circle. |

Mandy can't resist completing the nature weaving! |

Sorta finished! |

Building a fire |

Tinder and dry kindling makes for easy lighting. |

Fire lit, build the fire with gradually bigger pieces of wood. |

Cooked marshmallows on green sticks |

Two sieves allow you to make popcorn. |

Mandy really didn't want to leave the nature weaving frame, so here's a photo for posterity! |