She folded her arms across her chest. Emma tried to focus on what McGonagall was saying. Finally, Emma reached the bank shed come through with McGonagall. On top was a short piece of paper that looked like it was from a pad used to write down orders. Oh, speaking of school gossip, did you hear about Mal Drake?. Emma was leaning against a tree, her Quidditch book half open besides her, but she was really just relaxing as she looked up at the leaves and sky above her. You know what they call her, Regina said plainly as she arranged the stone pieces on the door in the correct formation. Shes always coming up with questions to waste time, simple things all my other fourth years know, like what is in Standard ingredient or where halidum comes from. I just wanted to thank you., Regina actually stopped short and looked Emma in the face for the first time since Emma had caught her. You know Emma, Regina voice seemed to have dropped an octave and Emma swallowed hard as she found herself even more distracted by Reginas lips than usual. Regina quietly made her way there as soon as everyone was busy setting up inside so that she could have a private moment with him. I do have dual citizenship, so technically that let me pick. Regina was surprised they had been able to get the news in time to attend at all. Bae was keeping busy, helping James with projects and other matters. Emma inwardly sighed, random people coming up to had decreased this year, but she as starting to think theyd never go away completelyeven if her duel with Hans scared a lot of them off. Wow. I believe she will kill me. Dont strain yourself. She realized shed cast the spell a bit strongly and so decided the quickest way to free the frozen Hufflepuff was to cast, Finite. She tapped Emma definitively on her arm. To her joy, it worked even better than expected, the flames raced up the ropes and to Coras wandhand. She wished she could change into her school robes or something, just so she could feel more magical, but she certainly couldnt leave the house like that. No matter what she wears, she is breathtaking. Regina pulled some of the food shed brought out of a canvas bag Professor Lucas had given her the first time shed asked what thestrals liked to eat. The bristles on South American brooms didnt taper the way European brooms did and their charms were for sea spray, not rain. There are five other girls in my house in my year, but there are three other houses., Not a very big school then, I guess, Daniel said, There are at least a hundred kids in my year., Really? Regina of course knew the difference between muggle and wizarding populations but shed never thought about it in terms of schooling. How did you stand it?, Ruby shrugged, already bored of Emmas whining about Regina. Ravenclaw, ay. Shed been tense all night, worried about coming home and what her punishment would be, however, her mother ended up having a good night overall, finally able to make contact with some foreign officials shed been trying to get close to. Around five hours and two stops (because really, we are not the type of people who can sit still for that long) later, we arrived in New York. Emma watched in slow horror as Regina painfully used the broom to move a few feet, hopping on her left foot. Uh, yeah, sure, she nodded and followed me. I would also like to have the ability to send money directly from my vault to pay for certain business expenses., However, her tone grew more serious and she could see Grundran notice that, leaning forward ever so slightly more. She said my first name shouldnt be enough to tip anyone off, even with my age. Emma asked, confused and worried. Im just a kid, there are much more powerful witches out there. There was nothing to be done as both precautions were built completely into the wards so she would merely have to stall between their arrival at the edge of the property. He looked bored and irritated, as if hed had to wait a long time even though she knew the train had been perfectly on time. Why keep making it? Emma pressed. Queen of Hearts, Guinevere said, with a shiver. Illegal ones?, Yes, she has a vault at the house, Regina said, eyes darting from one auror to the other, surprised they hadnt called her a liar yet. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Now I wont get to play ever again. Im aware there are things I choose to remain ignorant of, some that I should not have ignored. She still didnt know what she wanted to find or what she hoped to learn. With how late my granddaughter normally is, I havent even put the kettle on.. Too many. Soon enough all three witches and wizard were back with Emma in the entrance hall, ready to help out their friend. It was mesmerizing. I understand you have something youd like to talk to us about. Emma was still maintaining the spell and she gestured at Regina, Try and break it.. He leaned back to give her space and tried to smile as nonjudgmentally as possible, Now though, I see I was foolish to think these things. Perhaps she could blackmail Mother somehow? The owner Tom eyed her a bit when he realized she was alone but didnt say anything, much to her relief. So she settled back into her seat with a sigh and chewed her lower lip. Um, I mean-. Not only because we were going to unwrap the gifts, but because I was curious what Regina would say when I asked her if she would go on a winter holiday with me and Henry, the three of us. I took a deep breath and took her hands in mine. She actually did want to know what Emmas Patronus looked like. The Fishers just dont like it when I go places by myself, the downsides to having a foster family that seems to give a damn, ha ha. You look less intimidating, I added quickly and she threw a pillow at me. It just wont work., It cant hurt though, right? Emma said, feeling her defensiveness slip away. Emma ended up heading to a nearby park, with her trunk and Splotch. Then, she got angry. It took another twenty mins for Mary Margaret get back to the dorms. Im impressed, Miss Swan, Regina said, unconsciously reverting to her old manner of addressing Emma due to the discomfort she felt with Emmas obvious mastery of the spell. "Yes, Maleficent. Emma did rethink how mundane that seemed when she saw the store. He probably didn't hear anything, but it was still a little awkward. Suddenly there was a loud bang and a faint flash of light. Emma smiled at him, glad even he had given up teaching her for now. This meant even if all the returning players kept their positions, there was an open chaser spot, an open beater spot, and an open seeker spot. And like she really knew what was going on in my head, Emma said carelessly, Its just as simple as it looks. I felt she wanted to let go of my hand, but I unconsciously squeezed hers. I saw them bring Mother in, but was told that I wouldnt be staying for her questioning. I walked past Emma and said hi. After a season of ups and downs, will they win the National Championships? Yeah, Id like that.. A permission slip?. Regina nodded to madame Pince when the older witch passed. This time, it was Regina who managed to stay closest on the trail, turning completely upside down in her race to follow it. She set about making the potion as always, but this time she could tell Regina was paying closer attention, for all she mostly kept her comments to herself. Yes, Ms. Sapphire agreed with the dwarf. Emma, stop!. Still, shed chosen a spot nearby to maximize her reading time and minimize distraction from other students. The potion was already extremely unstable from the more than double dose of fire seeds and large bubbles began forming rather than it simply boiling. Regina paced briefly in her room before deciding she couldnt stay in another moment longer. She hadnt meant to reveal anything, but they were so nice Surely saying this much wouldnt hurt. He was a solid seeker, with a record for catching the snitch during more than half of his gamesa very good record. Reginas restrained relief brought Emma down from her excitement. Emma was fairly certain it would talk about her parents, McGonagalls demeanor seemed to confirm that. Weve had him his whole life, I think. Regina hoped her shock didnt show when she returned home from winter break for all she knew the scar did. Her Papi breathed. Finally. She has considerable influence, I only come to you because Emma has personally vouched for you., We are glad you have told us, if its true, as such a person would need to be brought to justice, Guinevere said gravely. Emma got distracted from reading along as she watched, fascinated. Emmas frown deepened and Regina didnt even need to hear Emma call her out on the lie to know Emma knew it was a lie. Which books do I need?. First up on the list would be Protego, the shield charm., Emma, Regina gave her a patient, but exasperated look. I think well have a solution by the end of the summer and that the hearts can be returned, provided the departments cooperate with each other. Your trunk is all set. All of this is mine?, Yes, McGonagall said. Kathryn was wrestling with her Monster Book of Monsters and Tina ended up having to help her calm it, but not before it had torn a sizable clump of hair from her head. That or she did care if they knew because they would not care that she had them.. Although, just going by these first few days of knowing her, Emma didnt really think Mary Margaret ever got angry. She automatically moved one hand to clutch at the back of her head while the other moved to Reginas shoulder to shove the older girl off of her. I went up because I forgot one of my star charts in the classroom and I nearly walked into them! Yup. The upper years went first, and the only one asked to leave was a fifth year whod gotten distracted by an owl and hit one of the stand towers. WAIT WHAT? Despite the darkness outside, it seemed light and tall, different than the darker grey of most of the castles walls. I dont have any parents. Emma frowned in confusion before her eyes went wideit was one of the self-stirring spoons the Bug sold, it had their emblem on it and everything. She actually laughed aloud. Both hope that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry is the answer to give them everything they are hoping to find. She wanted to upgrade her trunk to make it more secure and help her organize all the potions ingredients she now regularly bought and stored. Reginas hand, which was still buried in Emmas curls, tightened its grip and pulling her closer. Shed been worried when they received the forms and it had said parent or guardian permission seeing as for the school year she didnt have either. So, no one reall cares that Im at school all the time., Oh, Lily looked surprised and she had no idea what to even say to that. She remembered August saying that he helped make the spell that hid her. Regina staggered as she stood up, her right hand bracing heavily on the singed countertop. She ended up window shopping in Diagon Alley for the rest of the day, refusing to think about her problems. Regina resolved she would stop her mother or die trying. All they manage to do is cast are over done attraction charms and end up spending all day mesmerized by their own reflection., Sidney whipped around as soon as Emma started to talk and went nearly purple with rage as a number of the other Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws laughed. The smile faded from Emmas face and she pushed her glasses up to hide her discomfort, before she sighed. Look, its fine, Lily said casually as she led Emma up to her room. Ms. Sapphire smiled indulgently, It is, but you only need to join in at the end, Ill be reciting the entire spell and Ill be using some fairy dust to power the spell. Ms. Sapphire pointed to the small mound of dust in the center of the diagram and tapped the small pouch that hung from her waist. She nodded again and slowly filled the small glass to drink again. Regina was focused in, she didnt want to get too close to the trunk and she didnt want to stray too far since that would give her too large of a circle to complete. Not until she knew more about them. You look pretty., Regina felt her blush increase but at least now she was fairly sure he was blushing too. Regina felt her eyes flutter closed and her hand reached out to rest on his arm while his own cupped her cheek. She wished theyd twitch or snore the way normal people did when they slept. Dad? Lily said, sounding unhappy. If anything, my providing her with the potion is in my best interest as now myself, and everyone else in the castle, is safer., She You Wow, Emma tried to wrap her mind around the extremely roundabout answer Regina was giving her. Too late for that now. Hiding under a bridge, Emma was even more grateful for the inherited invisibility cloakGranny had given it to her at the end of the school year, saying it had belonged to her mother. Guess., Everythings a mystery with you, isnt it? Neal rolled his eyes, but seemed up for another guessing game. Two! Emma squirmed, it was still too hard to think of her being part of any family, Iyeah. Ma, we could teach her, Henry suggested. Sometimes people didnt value potion-making and effort that went into itfor all they loved to complain about how hard the class was. Still, she wasnt sure if this was the best use of their time. Hed ushered her into a car and driven through the London streets to the outskirts of the city at a pace that was rather terrifying. She landed awkwardly, trying to catch her fall with both arms and not break her wand. An impressive adaptation. McGonagalls voice was stern, They will if I tell them you may have one.. It was hard to watch. Make sure he remembers or Ill go talk to him myself.. If you had to give some reason, any reason.. Dad said we should avoid you. Im not sure. You let me know when you feel better and well continue.. Regina decided against any additional lightweight charms beyond the one which made it no heavier than an average of each of the three compartments weight, shrinking ease charms, or easy float charmsshe could levitate it herself if need be. The downside of her growing reputation as someone who would make potions if asked showed itself about three weeks later. With the legacy of her deceased parents hanging over Emma's every move and a mother like Regina's, even Hogwarts might not be the refuge they are so desperately longing for. She approached the clearing more cautiously than usual and peered through the trees and underbrush. They continued to look through the pictures, but there was only one other with Snow in it. Had they always been walking on marble? I hope they only cared before the trial because yeah, it definitely hit the papers. Regina? And this wasnt like a quick kiss either, theyd clearly been there a while. She fell back against the chair with a sigh, It was extremely hot, why do the attractive ones always pair up with each?, Emma could barely hold back asking way to specific questions, I dont know. Are you looking for me?. After waiting in a short line, she was called up to one of the goblin tellers, I would like to speak with Grundran, Vault Master.. Very well. The other fallowed her lead and soon enough bother were spread out and clearly had spell diagrams on them. Kathryn and her would hang out outside of things like that. Ursula and Ariel Sea, two very different girls who were half-sisters by their Father, were good to talk to as well, even if Ursula was two years older than Regina and Ariel was the year below her. Im aware Miss Lucas no longer requires your tutoring, so would you be agreeable to taking on a different fourth year in her time slot? Gold asked. Regina carries dark secrets about her past that she's afraid to share with anyone. Fine, Regina rolled her eyes. It was difficult to hug someone while you were all on brooms, but most teams managed it and hers did too. Regina ended up going with a simple three compartment model that was on sale for a low basic price, which she was glad he didnt try to upsell her from, although he did make sure she was aware of the difference enhancements they offered. Yes, Madame Pomfrey, Emma said automatically. You could just buy one from an actual potions shop, she pointed out. It was her fathersan old heirloom of some sortand of no interest to her mother. She sat down on the floor next to Emma and reached for her ankle. Luckily, practice ended just as Emma started to shake her leg in anticipation. How many different wildflower petals did you use, Miss Navar?, A number of them, Im afraid I lost count, Professor., Twenty points to Ravenclaw for such an impressive potion, Mr. Gold said, Provided you give me your recipe., Regina smiled at the confirmation she wasnt in trouble and nodded, Of course., Yes, Flitwick said smiling at Regina before turning to Elizabeth, And twenty points to Slytherin for magnificent use of Avis, Miss Lavenza. Then he turned to Whale, As for you Mr. Whale, fifty points from Ravenclaw for your activities., In fact, coupled with the fact that Im aware the Professor Lucas has reported the theft of demiguise hair recently and such blatant disregard for school rules and student privacy, I believe we need to discuss possible suspension, depending on how Miss Lavenza would like to proceed. Their friend about it in terms of schooling just going by these first few days of knowing,! 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