The Vatican. If you want to help us continue our work, we invite you to make a, Who is the US fighting: Alien UFOs or Enemy Spy-Balloons, Speculation of Alien Invasion Grows After Reports of Downed UFOs in the US, A new planet with rings has been discovered in the solar system, Sydney Nessie: Hunt for the Australian Hawkesbury River Monster, Illinois 8652 W. 95th Street, Hickory Hills, IL 60457-1700. If it is that intelligent, would it not object to being used in such a manner by what it considered a food source? The Antarctic octopus had the highest concentration of haemocyanin in its blood compared with other species. DNA sequence predicts protein sequence. Did Buzz see varied cross-section of world leadership being represented down there? Deep in the DNA of an Antarctic octopus, scientists may have uncovered a major clue about the future fate of the continent's ice sheet raising fears global heating could soon set off runaway melting.. Ice is a solid, so there would be no hydrostatic pressure like there is in liquid water. Ancient inhabitants of Antarctica massacred most of the Grendels, a few survived. Yet the organization was funded by members and the 3rd Reich, and its true goal was to research the cultural history and characteristics of the Aryan blood line / race in an effort to prove that they were a god-like advanced race from which Germans were descended. What better way to emulate confidence, calm, and collected determination. Its a great story though and thoroughly enjoyable in the Giza-Death-Star-Antarctica-Is-the-Gift-That-Just-Keeps-Giving sort of a way. We watched helplessly as it used its arms to tear off his head, then popped his remains its mouth. Oh, all those stories about Antarctica are fake, so Im not going to pay any attention to anything anybody says about it. A propaganda maneuver. Although the creature has 14 arms instead of the usual eight, it kills in a similar manner to an ordinary octopus seizing its prey, injecting it with paralyzing saliva then dismembering it into small pieces with its beak. Angela Watercutter. And where is that enemy now, Jim Marrs before his passing said that one of the portals was Likewise, the surface of the ice is many feet above sea level in Antarctica. Thats really not that far off from what we have all seen on youtubes already. He made a really good (hypothetical, but science-based) case that Earth was seeded in the distant past, Just to add to your thoughts, Ive always heard mushroom spores can remain viable in space and travel via meteors or even just free floating, and so fungi may have had an extra-terrestrial origin. It is able to paralyze prey at a distance of up to 150 feet by releasing its venom into the water from an organ similar to its ink sac, explained Dr. Padlaka. I was also thinking: what if this was a juvenile creature, with a parent somewhere that is much larger. The study was published March 11 in the journal Frontiers in Zoology. That's quite a secret handshake!) From being able to regenerate an entirely new arm in just 2-4 months to having mini-brains in each arm to being able to smell, taste, and sense light, octopus arms are just one more topic we can all geek out about! When it comes to the cephalopod community, these words tend to get thrown around and used interchangeably. Remember the 7-Armed Octopus? Well guess what the 7 arm octo does the same!7 The 7-arm Octopus participates in the largest migration on earth in biomass and number of animals participating. In this instant though, camoflaging ones self as a different prey entirely? The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries. Mt Ziel is only 10 miles from hermannsburg. Anyone with cursory knowledge of California gang culture knows that Piru is Swahili for blood. So this poor lady is literally drowning in the Lake of Blood. So far, analysis of the venom has revealed two toxins that are new to science. The Antarctic Octopus is like all squids and octopuses in this way. Giza Community is a community of speculation, commentary, and opinion on current events, history, humanities, the sciences, and the works of Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. The micro-sub into the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench could only carry two people in a heavily-reinforced can for a few hours. Oh and get thisThe string-armed octopus has a pretty unique super power unlike other octopus species, they dont have an ink sak to blast predators with ink while they make a gettaway!They will instead detach their spaghetti thin arms to confuse predators as they make their getaway.This dropped arm or predator bait will wiggle around for up to 5 hours as if to say "come eat me!" A research expedition to Antarctica to study the region's octopus life has returned with descriptions of four new species, and the first known sub-zero venoms. Tragically, my colleague and life-long friend Dr. Vindogradov was killed this way. Ahh, the Stargate series springs to mind. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. This single act by an adjutant set the stage for the Federal Reserve System to wield incredible power over government policy and essentially hold Congress to ransom So the Federal Reserve System now had the power to create or destroy national wealth by reducing or raising interest rates and there was no legal stipulation for whom their policies should benefit., (I would love to get this author ICE-9 and Miles Mathis alone in a room maybe with Michael Hudson and hammer-out a true history of the world). They tend to occur with fires, more than anything. Disinformation at best, (Outside Kerrys strangely-timed visit to Antarctica, my greatest curiosity concerns Obamas vacation visit to Argentina, complete with being off-the-radar for a few days. I recall (from reading a book by a lady scientist who loved octopuses) that the pacific octopus, while the size of a family car, can get through a hole the size of an orange. Although the creature has 14 arms instead of the usual eight, it kills in a similar manner to an ordinary octopus seizing its prey, injecting it with paralyzing saliva then dismembering it into small pieces with its beak. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. in Mount Ziel,Australia.Shame that Admiral Byrds personal notes were confiscated.Highly intelligent life can shape-shift rendering it je ne sais quoi, maybe be cause it is antipodean to the bermuda triangle After 11 days, they observed a protrusion which turned into a hook-like structure by day 17. These satellite brains can communicate with one another without needing to report back to the central brain. To be sure, I think this story has all the distinct "odor" of one of those stories that occasionally comes along that has been deliberately planted on the internet, perhaps to have a bit of fun, or perhaps just to track to see where it travels in cyber space, and who picks it up and talks about it. I have heard about portals near Cuba, in Afghanistan, and (where else?) 30 of the world's most valuable treasures that are still missing, In rare case, mother delivers two sets of identical twins, back to back, Rare black hole 1 billion times the mass of the sun could upend our understanding of galaxy formation, Painful 'cross-shaped incision' in medieval woman's skull didn't kill her, but second surgery did, Largest asteroid ever to hit Earth was twice as big as the rock that killed off the dinosaurs, Human brain looks years 'older' after just one night without sleep, small study shows. Why would these creatures, whose shallow-water cousins are so famous for their flamboyant camouflage, be slinking along as pale as a ghost? Or maybe he couldnt. But how much ocean are we willing to sacrifice? No sea monster necessary. To their great disappointment, however, the Russian government claimed that the team had found no life in Lake Vostok and denied that divers had even entered the water. The town is spelled with an which may be replaced by ss if not available (Weissenthurm). Please understand a donation is a gift and does not confer membership or license to audiobooks. The Antarctic octopus had the bluest blood of all, with at least 40 percent more haemocyanin in its blood compared to the other species. This unique octopus has a special super power! Argentina is well within striking distance of Antarctica. Science Fiction meets us smack in the face just when we thought . Make a great novel/movie. You can see it used to discredit/misdirect regarding a number of topics somebody doesnt want the public looking into (UFOs are a case a point). At 50 degrees F (10 degrees C), the Antarctic octopus could release far more oxygen (76.7 percent), than the two warm-water octopuses (at 33 percent for the Octopus pallidus and 29.8 percent for the Eledone moschata). Thats all thanks to the amazing power of regeneration! I know octopuses are sometimes portrayed as scary monsters, but how scary can an octopus really be when its the size of a paper clip? However, I also enjoyed an episode of the Twilight Zone(new) where scientist in the South Pole battle the mind of a killer octopus. Nazi Party head and Hitler's personal deputy thereto. They catch their prey with their tentacles and use their venom to kill them, much like snakes. The Blanket Octopus and the Dumbo Octopus do this too! Every article you read on Anomalien is made possible thanks to the generous donations of our supporters. The Banded String-Arm Octopus is missing an ink sac; so to get away from or confuse predators, they will drop one of their arms. As a result, they accumulated the greatest concentrated collection on witches and their actions in medieval Germany. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. My name is Paul the Octopus and I approve this message. If you want to educate yourself some more about all sorts of different cephalopods, take a look at our encyclopedia. As can be seen, the idea that an unknown life form in the form of microbial life is not implausible, especially in an underground lake on an isolated continent, which lake itself has been isolated from the rest of the world for quite some time, millions of years in fact. Or is it another hint that there is life beyond Earth and that announcement is coming very soon to headlines near you. The last thing I want now is to see Biden compete with Pence for the presidency., 3rd Poster: More to the point, what the hell is Pence? having read most of the comments and replies to this.. an still chuckling at the H P Lovecraft reference .. perhaps they did only catch the severerd tentacle and used the so called ark of gabriel taken there about the same time to store it and presumably transport it to a secret lab somewhere for further research this was a few years ago now and (wild speculation time) perhaps just perhaps this creature was an offspring or sibling of Cthulu..(and he s a little upset).. could certainly explain the diabolical mess the world finds itself in at the moment .. see you on the flipside . They are clustered in each of their arms! Octopuses (or octopi, if you prefer) are cephalopods, invertebrates that also include squid and cuttlefish. Having known more than my share of brilliant plebes and ignoramus brainiacs, I give this one a down vote with one caveat: there are many aspects of this that are crazy and true. Along with eight arms, an octopus also has three hearts and . Decades back, the SF magazine Analog published a science-fact article entitled The Cambrian Life Ship. In it, the author inferred all the reasons for Earth to have gotten a one-time dump of biological material. The Ahnenerbe Society swept up all the intell it could identify as demonically useful for its merlins, wizards & warlocks back at the Eagles Werkes. This story was originally published by The Guardian and appears here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. Did the wascally wussian ask the creature if it desired to be weaponized? Can you picture this octopus growing up to 11 feet (3.5m) and weighing in at 165 pounds (75kg) UMWHAT? Scientists are asking tough questions about the health effects of ultra-processed diets. So while the brain isnt quite sure where the arms are in space, the arms know where each other are and this allows the arms to coordinate during actions like crawling.. What did you find most Interesting about this species? How Octopuses Are Portrayed In Science Fiction! Yup ding ding ding. Almost all of them were about the same non-color, off-white hue. Although this story seems ridiculously outlandish, one cannot help but ponder the possibilities, even if they are as Jim Carrey said in the 1994 comedy Dumb and Dumber: So youre telling me theres a chance. But Organism 46-B has another trick up its sleeve. Photo courtesy British Antarctic Survey. Although the Antarctic octopus is far more adept at producing oxygen in cold waters than its warm-water counterparts, these animals actually thrive when the water is a balmy 50 degrees F (10 degrees C), rather than at 32 degrees F (0 degrees C), which is typical in the Southern Oceans lowest latitudes. Found this today from a friend on Twitter laughing about all the junk about antifa being and idea or white supremacists taking over and infiltrating everything. checkerboards, stripes, dang near plaids? Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. In their dark worlds, neither predator nor prey is likely to see them. "Antarctic octopus venom works at temperatures that would stop other venoms in their tracks," said biochemist Bryan Fry of the University of Melbourne, who led the expedition. "We weren't able to collect any specimensthey were quick and rarebut they're quite possibly a new species," Copley said. DNA sequence predicts the mRNA sequence. This documentary took us into a patch of kelp forest where a Common Octopus let a human into her world. Weienthurm is a town in the district of Mayen-Koblenz, in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Enter Turquet's octopus, a cephalopod with a four-million-year pedigree that makes its home in the icy waters around Antarctica. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. And it looked like Old Knight had more than 8 tentacles too. Is THAT what really drew all those world leaders? Arms and their suckers are used for: They are extremely muscular AND flexible with no rigid bones restricting their movements. Pair this with their suckers ability to taste and smell what they touch and it starts to make sense why two-thirds of an octopus brainpower is located in their arms. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The Russian government calls the whistleblowers claims preposterous. At 50 degrees F (10 degrees C), the Antarctic octopus could release far more. I think the fake stories involving Antarctica are a diversion to get people to look the other way. The tank is another metaphor for the story itself being distributed worldwide; taking on a life of its own. They suggested that the sudden appearance of life that occurred 540 million years ago during the Cambrian period was due to extra-terrestrial intervention. Later this news was published by the Russian media. "The back four tentacles sort of shuffle like the treads of a tank, while the front four feel in front of the octopus," Jon Copley, of the University of Southampton's National Oceanography Center and co-author on the new paper, told National Geographic. I have never heard of a President or Prime Minister, EVER, attending some such occasion for SO long. New research shows that if done right, urban farms and gardens can support all kinds of speciesfor the good of people and the environment. It sounds like something you might see on one of your science fiction TV channels. Their work took place from 1935 to 1944. The Bigger Your Butt, the More Likely You Are to Be Abducted by Aliens, Study Shows.. Um, now who looks like controlled (or uncontrolled) opposition? I definitely tend to think so and that this article may be a kind of code. OMG the best read Ive had ALL week! Live Science is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. The answers are complicatedand surprising. Another theory they suggest is that fertilized squid or octopus eggs were delivered to earth by a meteor. The idea is borne from the panspermia hypothesis which states life on Earth was seeded by space dust or asteroids coming to our planet in the distant past. Theres nothing much down there, I can assure you, according to a statement by the chief of the Vostok Research Station, A. M. Yelagin. It may be that BOTH could have happened. Or, simply relating the fact that this secret society has been weaponized from the get-go. The well-known mimic octopus can contort its boneless body to take on the shape of a sea snake or stingray.. Sounds like a euphemism for a crime syndicate with many intelligence connections thats particularly dangerous: even if you chop an arm off it will come back to get you. I enjoy everything Antarctica so that I enjoyed this story. We think they might come up during the night to get snacks & go back down during the evening to avoid predators!If ya read this far comment & let us know if ya learned anything #science #nature #biology #marinelife #redsea #egypt #stonefish #octopuses #cephalopods #reef #underwater #diving #oceanconservation #sea #biodiversity #marinebiology #ocean #animals #fish #octopus #natgeo #nationalgeographic #natgeoyourshot #STEM #scuba #scubadiving #underwaterphotography #myoctopusteacher. Everywhere. However all the observances were over a period of five days, and all the VIPS stuck around. Scientists call this defense tactic arm dropping and theyve come across some String-Armed Octopuses managing just fine with only 2 arms! Question: Based upon the data shown in Fig. Interesting article by Miles Mathis: Ok, I can buy the intelligence part. I can only imagine what its like.. The newly discovered entity is in a class by itself. Endlessly fascinating. The Secret to Bruce Lees Superhuman One-Inch Punch. This arm is specialized with grooves to store sperm, ready to transfer it to the female when mating. Behavioral neuroscientist Dominic Sivitilli explains it like this, The octopus arms have a neural ring that bypasses the brain, so the arms can send information to each other without the brain being aware of it. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This section was looking for documents on witchcraft, the occult, and the supernatural. "This is important because it highlights a very different response compared to Antarctic fish to the cold conditions in the Southern Ocean," Oellermann said. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Because the freshwater lake has been sealed off from the rest of the world for between 15 and 34 million years, scientists had predicted they would find new species that had evolved far differently than any seen before. I love octopuses so much! If an arm of an ordinary octopus is cut off, the severed limb will crawl away sometimes even seize prey and place it in the mouth of the octopus. This gallery contains six poisonous Antarctic octopuses, including one of the new species, pictured above. Scientists call this defense tactic "arm dropping" & theyve come across some string-armed octopuses managing just fine with only 2 arms! Martial arts moves can seem magical, but maybe they just display a mastery of physics. in Jesuit PhD, Octopuses in Antarctica survive subzero temperatures because of blue pigment in their blood, a new study finds. Or maybe he couldnt. So if this monster already exists (or just got completed in their bio-manufacturing program) they gotta have a narrative explaining how it got here right? 700 tay are 600 500 400 Closing rate (1/8) Yep, someone is having a bit of fun with this one. We cant talk about octopus arms without mentioning a very special arm that only males have to keep the octopus life cycle going. The article didnt specify how deep into the lake the dive was, only how far below the ice. Thank God we were all PhDs? Miles Mathis sees 33 in text or image as a nod-nod, wink-wink from one intelligence-type to another. That night the arm slithered onto the icy bank where we were sleeping and strangled her.. 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