Discover why The Emerald Mile by Kevin Fedarko is such a great book to read. Your non-motorized record, which lasted more than 30 years, has been broken twice in three days. Wed love your help. Did you, Kenton and Wren realize that your time could be beaten by kayak at normal flows? Then in 83, again opportunity, this time to set the record to where the oar-powered record would be near unreachable. That same canyon had been a major, three-week survival challenge for Major Powells crew. But. Start by marking The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon as Want to Read: Error rating book. Enjoy! The goal was to nail the all-time record for the fastest boat ever propelledby oar, by motor, or by the grace of God himselfdown the entire length of the Colorado River from Lees Ferry to Lake Mead. This is a fantastic combination of storytelling and research. The authors writing style was very cumbersome and he seemed to take two or three sentences to say what could have been said more simply with one. I live in Page, Arizonaand was in High School during these eventsso I watched it all happen and took my first Whitewater rafting trip in 1985 with Western River Expeditions. A great read before or after a run down the CO. Just barely. He really went deep on those. This book. His writing style was just beautiful! So it is a great boon of Fedarko's book that he tells the story of the dam, and of the engineers and techinicians who built it with as much respect and homage as he gives to the dorymen." -- Hampton Sides editor-at-large at Outside magazine and author of Blood and Thunder and Ghost Soldiers. We were the first raft of the season on the back of high spring rains (but far less than The Emerald Mile had to cope with) and we camped out taking 10 days Holiday of a lifetime! By kayaks, definitely! I decided to go over to the Dory and talk to the guide. For both runs, their craft was a wooden dory named the Emerald Mile. I noticed a Dory painted in the colors of the Emerald mile. My only regret is that I didn't read this book before going. So we gave up. I wondered if he knew where Gruas grave was. The flood caused two states of crises for two groups of people fundamentally at odds with each other - the engineers at Glen Canyon Dam and the river runners in the Grand Canyon. Not everyone will want to invest the time necessary to fully appreciate this exquisite work of narrative nonfiction. And I had no idea we narrowly missed what would have been probably the greatest national disaster of the almost failing of the Glen Canyon Dam in 1983. With arguments still flying, we decided to get an expert opinion on these questions. And read the book first. The saga of The Emerald Mile is a thrilling adventure, as well as a magisterial portrait of the hidden kingdom of white water at the bottom of the greatest river canyon on earth. Wow, this was truly amazing. Fedarko was a staff writer at Time magazinefrom 1991 to 1997, where his work helped garner an Overseas Press Club Award for a story on the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. If you are interested in the Colorado Rive and the Grand Canyon, then I highly recommend it. Kenton Grua in the Emerald Mile, the dory used on the speed run. It appealed to two of my interests: engineering, with its descriptions of how the personnel at the Glen Canyon Dam dealt with the huge water inflows from the El Nino event and the damage caused to the spillways, and whitewater rafting, with its descriptions of the fastest ride and how rafting companies, their customers, and the river rangers dealt with the danger of the increased water flows and changes to rapids through the Grand Canyon. In the midst of this crisis, beneath the light of a full moon, a trio of river guides secretly launched a small, hand-built wooden boat, a dory named the Emerald Mile, into the Colorado just below the dams base and rocketed toward the dark chasm downstream, where the torrents of water released by the dam engineers had created a rock . He had Rick Parsons and Henry Dhieux speak about putting up those plywood flash boards that held off the flood at Glen Canyon Dam in 1983 while the Bureau of Reclamation considered their options to contain and control the Colorado River. To see our price, add these items to your cart. Down the Great Unknown: John Wesley Powell's 1869 Journey of Discovery and Tragedy Through the Grand Canyon, There's This River Grand Canyon Boatman Stories. Let me count the ways I love this book! The author violates the Chekhov rule (if you put a gun on the mantelpiece, it should go off by the second act) vs giving us the action (or at least a summary of it) before launching into the back story. If you ever get the chance, ride it through. The author really takes you there with all the details of the history of the Grand Canyon, John Wesley Powell and his explorations, geology of the area, background of all the characters involved, the history of the Glen Canyon Dam and many others and the environmentalist fighting against their construction. -- Hampton Sides , editor-at-large at Outside magazine and author of Blood and Thunder and Ghost Soldiers, lives in northern New Mexico and works as a part-time river guide in Grand Canyon National Park. Probably more information and history behind the great dams of the west, Grand Canyon, Lake Powell and river running than most people want/need, but I ended up really liking this and the narrator was great! , Fedarko has found and rescued a great American tall tale that just happens to be true, . The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon Among many other things, those dirtbag river runners uphold the virtue of disobedience: the principle that in a free society, defiance for its own sake sometimes carries value and meaning, if only because power in all of its formscommercial, governmental, and moralshould not always and without question be handed what it demands., National Outdoor Book Award for History/Biography (2013), PEN/ESPN Award for Literary Sports Writing Nominee for Shortlist (2014), National Outdoor Book Award winners, selected titles, Girls Who Bite! Author: Kevin Fedarko Genre: Nature, Travel, Sports & Recreation, History Topic: His 2013 release, The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon, won a NOBA- a National Outdoor Book Award. In the latest episode of "The Dirtbag Diaries," Brendan Leonard of explores the story of how 'The Emerald Mile' became a book. . Kevin Fedarko is a painter - he just uses words instead of paint. Deseret News"The Emerald Mile is the rarest of creationsa magical convergence of words and paper, wood and water, rock and sky, human character and cosmic caprice. The narrator could not be more annoying if he actually set out to infuriate the listener. Enjoy a great reading experience when you buy the Kindle edition of this book. The climax of the story revolves around a speed run through the Grand Canyon in wooden dory in an attempt to break the record for how fast a boat can go through the canyon. Book has great history lessons as well. What if the reward that you were chasing lay not in the result to which you were ostensibly striving, but in the simple doing of the thing? Last June, I went and listened as Kevin Fedarko gave us a presentation and overview of the Emerald Mile. Rudi Petschek: I have written congratulatory messages to Matt Klema and Ben Orkin expressing my admiration. This was a book that told the story of an incredible 36 hours by backing up and providing as much context as humanly possible to make it into the length of a novel. We see Dorys all the time here in Flagstaff, but this one is special, it's the Emerald Mile, the boat used by Kenton Grua (who was also the first person to walk the entire length of Grand Canyon), Rudi Petschek and Steve Reynolds in 1983 to make the historic "speed run" through the Grand Canyon. Now a resident of Nevada City, California, the 82-year-old river guide whos been down the Grand Canyon a whopping 94 times, shared his thoughts on the recent events over email. But Kenton Grua, the captain of that dory, was determined to use the flood as a hydraulic slingshot that would hurl him and his companions through 277 miles of some of the most ferocious white water in North America and, if everything went as planned, catapult the Emerald Mile into legend as the fastest boat ever propelled - by oar, by motor . Almost five million people visit Grand Canyon National Park annually. For more information please read our. I told the guide my storyhow Tom had given me the book and how Kit and I had gone to Oars Dories to see the Emerald Mile. This one is, and Fedarkos book is as inspiring as a dory itself, flying down a wild river. He answered that he had been a good friend of Grua. .orange-text-color {color: #FE971E;} Explore your book, then jump right back to where you left off with Page Flip. I really enjoyed that book, especially Kevins deep dive on Glen Canyon Dam and Crystal Rapid. Product Identifiers I deviated from the book to look up the facts of the events of the time periods. He spoke to the BBC about an . Well, it really is about securing the record, but I agree that on both EM runs the experience was profoundly bonding among the participants. The Emerald Mile is the best combination of journalistic reporting and eloquent storytelling. Documents the 1983 Colorado River flood that threatened the region with a catastrophic dam failure and prompted oarsman Kenton Grua's near-suicidal effort to navigate the turbulent waters of the Emerald Mile on a small wooden dory to achieve a world speed record The big stumbling block was fluctuation, which would cause a speed run begun on the high to stall out as it rowed itself into the preceding low. 860 likes. Required fields are marked *. Still holding the record, even with a recent attempt at breaking it on January 7th, 2015 by Ben Orkin and Harrison Rea in Kayaksof 37 hours and 48 minutes, Kenton Grua, Rudy Petschek, and Steve Reynolds still hold the record of 36 hours and 38 minutes! Shipping cost, delivery date, and order total (including tax) shown at checkout. Rapid snowmelt in June of 1983 created the highest water in the Grand Canyon in 25 years, the likes of which hadn't been experienced since before Glen Canyon Dam was built. .orange-text-color {font-weight:bold; color: #FE971E;}View high quality images that let you zoom in to take a closer look. So I asked him if he knew Kenton Grua. No doubt the drama of that ride is exciting, but the book also provides a deep look into the discovery of the Grand Canyon, the origins of the Glen Canyon Dam & the Hoover Dam, the graceful wooden dory, and how the famous Colorado river silt changed the landscape of Southern California including the creation of the Salton Sea. "The Emerald Mile is the rarest of creations-a magical convergence of words and paper, wood and water, rock and sky, human character and cosmic caprice. Kevin Fedarko lives in northern New Mexico and works as a part-time river guide in Grand Canyon National Park. I didnt expect it to be so dense looking! The Emerald Mile, at one time slated to be destroyed, was rescued and brought back to life by Kenton Grua, the . "Kevin Fedarko's new brilliant work is the story about wilderness and the American mind, albeit an American mind juiced on Class V adrenaline Perhaps because we sympathize so strongly with the characters of The Emerald Mile--thanks in no small part to Fedarko's flowing prose--you'll feel yourself lurching along with them on wooden boats, in ocher-hued canyons, beneath cobalt skies, into the frenzied thrashings of the Colorado river as the very lanscape of the West attempts to choke it." First, you cup a hand in the river and run the water over the back of your neck and face to reduce the cold shock of whats coming. ${cardName} not available for the seller you chose. In 1983, following a devastating flood that led to one of the most disastrous dam wreckages in history, a trio of rafters launched a small wooden dory named The Emerald Mile just 15 miles from the failed Glen Canyon Dam. This one is, and Fedarko's book is as inspiring as a dory itself, flying down a wild river. Not everyone will want to invest the time necessary to fully appreciate this exquisite work of narrative nonfiction. I was further interested when the group pulled up on the beach. But once I started reading I was enamored by the stories of the history of the canyon and those that experienced and changed it over the years. For instance, the three of us took turns at the oars, while paddlers are on their own the whole way. Secondly, a longer dory would sacrifice ease of pivoting. And I mourn that. This is terrific narrative nonfiction. This book announces Fedarko as a major writing talent and at last sets forth the full story of an American legendthe legend of The Emerald Mile. The boat flipped in a mammoth incarnation of Crystal Rapid, but through combination of luck and honed whitewater skill, the trio was able to climb back aboard the dory in the runout to the swollen rapid, right it, and go onto set the record time. The only reason I didn't rate this book with five stars is because it is LONG. A good friend of mine suggested I read a book titled the Emerald Mile prior to going to the Grand Canyon I did that. . It helps that I saw the Grand Canyon for the first time this summer. Wally quit waiting for a sustained pulse after the 1978 season, whereupon Kenton, silently, took over the watch. So much history and info! Kevin Fedarko lives in northern New Mexico and works as a part-time river guide in Grand Canyon National Park. Downstream of the Dam, the massive amount of discharge presented the opportunity for a trio of the best river runners the Canyon had seen to not only set the speed record, but to run the river as Powell had - unfettered, wild and free. Slept under the stars every night and cruised, swam and hiked during the day. Ive read it twice and two days from now, Im setting off on my rafting adventure on the Colorado River. Wow, Fedarko is a superb storyteller. That these came as a bonus and lasted a third of a century was truly unexpected. Specifically, this book is about the 1983 flood that washed down the Colorado Basin into Lake Powell, forcing a massive, unprecedented flood down the Colorado River and through Grand Canyon. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. He brings alive the Canyon, the Colorado River, and the people who are drawn to protect it or dam it. I have no doubt it will become an instant classic, a timeless chronicle of what can still be legitimately called the American spirit." Your email address will not be published. At first it just intrigued me with its promise of crazy adventure, but once started, I was hooked on the whole, incredible story. Kevin Fedarkos superb book presents the Grand Canyon in a way most people will never see it from the bottom up, with a strong emphasis on the river that carved the Canyons unique features and which provides the most accessible route for the much smaller number of tourists l. Almost five million people visit Grand Canyon National Park annually. The night sky is so much better than anything I could have imagined. 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates. In the midst of this crisis, the decision to launch a small wooden dory named "The Emerald Mile" at the head of the Grand Canyon, just fifteen miles downstream from the Glen Canyon Dam, seemed not just odd, but downright suicidal. So it is a great boon of Fedarko's book that he tells the story of the dam, and of the engineers and techinicians who built it with as much respect and homage as he gives to the dorymen." Most of them couldn't conceive of living anywhere else to do what they do. We won't post to any of your accounts without asking first. It details the setting of the rowing speed record through the Grand Canyon during the 1983 flood at Glen Canyon Dam by river guides Kenton Grua, Rudi Petschek, and Steve "Wren" Reynolds. I recently went on a Grand Canyon river rafting adventure. This book was hard to put down. It is a dramatized documentary of the personalities among the renegade dory-drivers, the law-abiding dam-builders and the adventurers along the Grand Canyon. Three days later as we approached the Redwall Cavern . The Emerald Mile, at one time slated to be destroyed, was rescued and brought back to life by Kenton Grua, the man at the oars, who intended to use this flood as a kind of hydraulic sling-shot. From one of Outside magazine's "Literary All-Stars" comes the thrilling true tale of the fastest boat ride ever, down the entire length of the Colorado River and through the Grand Canyon, during the legendary flood of 1983. Lol, just kidding (barely). He writes so vividly that your favorite reading chair becomes a spray-soaked perch on a bucking boat hit hard by a river running high and fast." It was truly spectacular! It's not really a story just about the fastest ride, which is a small part of the book. The Emerald Mile | Book by Kevin Fedarko | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster About The Book About The Author Product Details Related Articles Raves and Reviews Resources and Downloads The Emerald Mile The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon By Kevin Fedarko Trade Paperback LIST PRICE $19.99 Neither experimental flows nor the big flood were considerations, as at the time these were beyond even our imagination. This is why you remain in the best website to look the amazing books to have. A few key points factor in to making this a good match for me: Absolutely fascinating! from 1991 to 1997, where his work helped garner an Overseas Press Club Award for a story on the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. This resulted in a temporary steady release of 37,000 cfs, which brings us to factor number two: OPPORTUNITY! The Emerald Mile is a fantastic read, and an instant throw-back for me to those days on the river. The event I am about to reveal to you CAN NOT be explained away as coincidence. I mused about the majestic Colorado on steroids taking pity on this little nutshell of a boat audaciously zooming through Grand Canyon in a day and a half. To add the following enhancements to your purchase, choose a different seller. I purchased my copy that nightbut it has sit dormant on a shelf until a second friend told me how good it was. -- Bob Shacochis author of Swimming in the Volcano and Easy in the Islands"Fedarko's effortlessly engaging narrative is a labor of passion from an adventurous journalist who still calls the Grand Canyon home." "The Emerald Mile" by Kevin Fedarko . The saga of "The Emerald Mile" is a thrilling adventure, as well as a magisterial portrait of the hidden kingdom of white water at the bottom of the greatest river canyon on earth. Was it possible to compare the kayakers who made the 277-mile speed run to the previous record which was set in a wooden dory? Where did you come from? *Unsubscribe Anytime See Our Privacy Policy. This lost treasure still evokes wonder in what lies in Glen Canyonthe 170-mile natural paradise legendary for its secret grottoes, waterfalls, beautiful ravines and isolated side canyons like Hidden Passage before it was flooded by Lake Powell upon the completion of the Glen Canyon Dam in 1963. Bring your club to Amazon Book Clubs, start a new book club and invite your friends to join, or find a club thats right for you for free. His descriptions brought every scene to life for me - even when (or especially when) he goes off on a lyrical tangent - e.g., " And peeking over the cliffs like a Chinese lantern was a swollen, yellow globe that draped the folds of the surrounding plateau in moonbeams" sigh. Highly recommend. No Hassle Return. The Emerald Mile by Kevin Fedarko Summary: The Emerald Mile by Kevin Fedarko is a novel about the awe-inspiring Grand Canyon. The story telling (based on true events) was fantastic. Still, in this case, I remain super-skeptical. In the midst of this crisis, the decision to launch a small wooden dory named The Emerald Mile at the head of the Grand Canyon, just fifteen miles downstream from the Glen Canyon Dam, seemed not just odd, but downright suicidal. An epic-sized true-life adventure tale that appeals to both the heart and the head. Orkins Lava flip and recovery has every bit of the drama and suspense of the Emerald Miles Crystal episode in 83. Matt and Ben could intermittently relax their minds because of so much flat water, but not their bodies. Reviving the Emerald Mile Kevin Fedarko's new book takes readers on the fastest Colorado River boat run By Stephanie Riesco - May 9, 2013 Ten years ago, right before Kevin Fedarko's first encounter with the watery force that barrels through the Grand Canyon, he found himself enraptured by the humble riverboat known as the dory. The 135 miles that we experienced, never lost its magic. It appealed to two of my interests: engineering, with its descriptions of how the personnel at the Glen Canyon Dam dealt with the huge water inflows from the El Nino event and the damage caused to the spillways, and whitewater rafting, with its descriptions of the fastest ride and how rafting companies, their customers, and the river rangers dealt with the dang. To float, to drift, savoring the pulse of the river on its odyssey through the canyon, and above all, to postpone the unwelcome and . The only reason I didn't rate this book with five stars is because it is LONG. The article was originally published on Canoe & Kayak. , at one time slated to be destroyed, was rescued and back. To be destroyed, was rescued and brought back to where the oar-powered record would be near unreachable more if. Including tax ) shown at where is the emerald mile dory he answered that he had been a major three-week! ( based on true events ) was fantastic ) shown at checkout realize your... 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