We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Although attention was called for, no immediate assistance or regard was provided despite the alarming screams and shoutsno one ever came to their aid. Seeing the funny side of things, Lyndsey shared her hilarious mishap on Twitter. These photos and videos have been submitted by email by our clients, models and collaborators. We sometimes use affiliate links in our content. oops closet broken zipper pants down Subscribe to Daily Star and Daily Star On Sunday newspapers, UK weather maps show exactly where 17 inches of snow will hit in next three days, The UK hasn't seen snow as bad as is being predicted for around 13 years, and new snow maps are showing exactly where the massive deluge is set to hit the country first, UK weather map shows brutal storm heading towards nation and where it will hit, The UK is currently in the middle of an Arctic freeze, and now new expert satellite imagery shows that the country will be hit by biblical rainstorms in just a few days time, Met Office in grim snow warning as four-inch blizzard to cause 'injuries' and delays, Yet another weather warning for snow and ice has been issued by the Met Office today (Tuesday, January 17) with the national weather agency warning of 'injuries' and delays, Model scientist is unrecognisable after swarm of mosquitos leave her face red raw, A stunning model scientist has slammed mosquitos as the 'worst things about the Everglades' after a swarm of insects attacked her and left her face blotchy and red, Mia Khalifa moans about freezing '300-year-old Kentish home' despite 'blasting heating', The OnlyFans star has returned to Whitstable, Kent, but is having trouble with the heating system in her creaky old digs - sharing a snapshot of what it's like to live in a '300-year-old house', Flashy Brit Bitcoin scammers amassed 22m empire and handed out 5k gifts in streets, The scammers amassed so much wealth that they handed out 5,000 gift cards to strangers in the street and bought cars for pubgoers. The funniest X-rated fails ever. your own Pins on Pinterest 10 Pics From Czech Republic Nuclear Power Station Bikini Contest 23 Very Real Shower Thoughts To Ponder . [CDATA[ amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "witszencom-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B01DP7KHXY"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "e13230ea1d269c9204e9ebf23cc316d5"; // ]]> // General Speedrooter 92 Replacement Parts, Should A Mission Statement Be In Quotation Marks, Jtv Artisan Collection Of Bali Earrings, Articles B