Bakuto noted their sole focus must still be reclaiming back the Resurrection Elixir as soon as possible while Gao noted that the Defenders would likely come and must not be underestimated. Gao then watched as Bakuto noted that Elektra knew nothing of power, claiming that since her death of Nobu Yoshioka's hands she did not even exist until Reid had given her back her self. Gao noted the elevator was coming down with the Defenders, while Murakami captured Rand and Elektra awaited the arrival of his allies.[3]. While Bakuto questioned why Daredevil was a concern, Murakami noted his relationship with Elektra was what concerned him, as Gao confirmed that she had fought beside him in their battle against Nobu Yoshioka before her death and later rebirth, while Murakami noted that Elektra had also loved Daredevil in her past life. When the Rands were to travel to Anzhou for Rand to further his investigation, Meachum used poison from the Hand on the pilots and caused a plane crash which killed Wendell and Heather Rand while their son Danny Rand disappeared in the mountains. In the first season of Daredevil , Matt Murdock finds Madame Gao's warehouse full of blind drug workers, but the masked vigilante receives a mysterious answer when he asks the evil drug lord why they are blind. Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999) Contents. If Madame Gao is the Crane Mother, it would track with the key bits of information dropped in the series so far, like her immortality and her knowledge of K'un-Lun. Having now heard everything she needed to, Gao informed Murakami that he was indeed correct to question Reid's ability to lead them. Bakuto then took the chance to take Rand and Gao into his custody, leading them downstairs and into his cars to be taken to the Hand Compound, telling Temple that she was not allowed there as she was not a member of the Hand. Madame gao is a ruthless criminal, able to gain complete trust of her subordinates and even made them blind themselves. Gao quickly deduced that Temple was the sort of person who ended up close with people with gifts like Rand, as well as Daredevil and Luke Cage, claiming that Temple wanted to be special like they were. Gao emotionally manipulating the Iron Fist, Gao claimed Rand was still as naive as when she had first laid eyes on him when he was a child, walking while holding hands with his mother. While working with others she is highly calculating and even spoke only Mandarin to make them underestimate her and let them believe she would not understand them without translation. And in the defenders (s01e05), jessica jones kicks madame gao all the way across a room and there seemed to be nothing gao could do about it. The subsidiary employs a does blood pressure medicine make your butt smell large number of local workers. Gao told Rand that the only way he could become the true Iron Fist would be for him to rid himself of his desire for vengeance and kill Meachum. However, during the fight one henchman accidentally stabs the other and from the man's fatal reaction, Danny realizes that the blades have been poisoned. She told him that his mind was distracted since falling in love with Vanessa Marianna. Este es el caso de Madame Gao (Wai Ching Ho), una seora del crimen que apareci por primera vez en la primera temporada de Daredevil y ha sido un personaje importante en la temporada 1 de Iron Fist. In return, Meachum set up Gao's heroin operation in Anzhou, China, which his business partner, Wendell Rand, soon discovered. In two Netflix Marvel series now, the evil ninja group known as the Hand has played a major role in the villainous doings of New York City. Chi Manipulation: Madame Gao is shown to move an entire pallet of bricks without touching it, and is later also seen moving a car with the same technique while fighting Marvels Defenders. After Meachum died, Gao had her division of the Hand infiltrate Rand Enterprises and kept watch on Meachum, who was under the Hand's control after returning from the dead. While Meachum was training later that night, Gao arrived in person to reaffirm his cooperation. Gaos there, lording over her army of blind drug workers, and she spots matt after he takes out a few of the guards and wanders right into the only bright lights in the whole building. Gao witnessed Daredevil ordering the other Defenders to escape in the elevator while he stayed behind and fought against Elektra. While her men began removing the bones to create the Resurrection Elixir, Gao came across Danny Rand who was attempting to make his escape. He and Harold Meachum were in business together, and the Meachum family took over Rand Corporation when he died. Gao, however, noted that they were now closer than they had ever been before, with the Iron Fist now being led towards the mysterious doorway from K'un-Lun, claiming Elektra not being one of them no longer mattered, as she had the power to finally bring them all a new beginning. 1 Streak, Ginny & Georgia Seasons 1 and 2 Lead English TV, TV Ratings: The Last of Us Scares Up Big Premiere, Sally Field to Be Honored at 2023 SAG Awards With Life Achievement Award, Ghost: Channing Tatum Is Thinking About Remaking The 1990 Romance, Shape Island Clip: Watch Harvey Guilln Micromanage a Sleepover, Steven Soderbergh Executive-Produces Retro Sci-Fi Sundance Thriller Divinity Watch Teaser, 2023 USC Scripter Awards Finalists Preview Best Adapted Screenplay Race, Ratings: Night Court Revival Opens Big, Dominates Tuesday in Debut, Sarah Michelle Gellar: Ill Never Tell My Full Story About Working With Joss Whedon on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Kate Winslets HBO Limited Series The Palace Casts Martha Plimpton, Adds Jessica Hobbs as Director, The Legend of Vox Machina Stars Spill on Their Fave Baddies, Best Costumes & More (Video), Why Sarah Michelle Gellar Will Never Tell Her Full Story About Joss Whedon Making Buffy Set Extremely Toxic, 34th Annual GLAAD Media Awards Nominees: Bros, Abbott Elementary & More, Cardi B Says Kim Kardashian Gave Her Some Tips On Who To Go To For Plastic Surgery: I Called A Couple Of People She Gave Me, Snoop Dogg, Gloria Estefan, Sade Make It To Songwriters Hall Of Fame, Original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Cast Reuniting For Netflix Special, Polite Society Trailer: We Are Lady Parts Creators Sundance Film Is A Martial Arts Comedy. Before long, Gao learned where Wilson Fisk's Penthouse was within New York City and arrived for an impromptu private meeting with him. While working with others, she is highly calculating and even spoke only Mandarin to make them underestimate her and let them believe she would not understand them without translation. She mentioned to daredevil as they were fighting that they did so in. Gao orders Sowande's men to stop shooting. [20], Gao watches Iron Fist fighting against Scythe. Source: Look at the marking on gao's packets of. Madame Gao's drug workers are an ideal example of that. But Gao continued discussing the Iron Fists and how they would have never surrendered a duel to save just one innocent girl's life. She is in charge of an illegal drug manufacturing operation where her subordinates allowed themselves to be blinded, except for the security guards. Madame gao spars with him and brings him to his knees. Her drug workers in the long run consider their sacrifice of sight will result in one thing larger than themselves, whereas Daredevil brutally misplaced his eyesight in an coincidence. She is one of the criminal group conspiring with Fisk to take control of Hell's Kitchen. However, she spotted the masked man in her warehouse, who was snooping around to find for answers about the drug trade in New York City. Gao then revealed she was unaffected, claiming she had spent much of the seventeenth century being interrogated. Gao was visited by Daredevil who demanded to know how and where he could find the Blacksmith. Gao questions Elektra next plans for them all. Status Gao and Sowande's men then surrounded the team, along with their new ally Stick, and then prepared for the final battle, armed with their weapons ready for hand-to-hand combat. She is one of the criminal group conspiring with fisk to take control of hell's kitchen. Gao overhears Davos' plans for his revenge, Gao was eventually freed from Bakuto's prison by some of her own subordinates and was able to walk free in New York City again. Actors/Actresses Entering the lift with both her bodyguards, Gao used her Rand Enterprises key card to activate the lift and be taken to her floor while Rand watched in horror. The federal government offers a Work Opportunity Tax Credit to companies who hire people who are B/LV. or other entries in the Marvel cinematic universe, there's a lot . Gao yelled a warning to her workers and ordered them to attack, hoping that their numbers would overwhelm him and he would be detained long enough for her to escape. Gao then showed her loyalty to Reid by claiming that they needed to honor Sowande by completing their mission and following the one true leader of the Hand. When Owlsley suggested she bring in more heroin, Gao explained that she never had any real interest in selling drugs. Gao claimed that she was Reid's only remaining ally in this fight, although she then made it clear that she no longer believed in the Black Sky. Gao watched as Iron Fist battled the brothers who together attempted to overpower him by using their expert teamwork and knives to their advantage: however, the Iron Fist soon got the upper hand and forced them to yield. [5], Gao witnesses the arrival of her Hand soldiers. Madame Gao speaks a lot in riddles and surrounds herself with an air of mysticism during her interactions. Gao noted how over her own long life she had seen the world greatly change, but with the arrival of Daredevil and Luke Cage among some others in New York City, she felt this change would be significant. Owlsley then asked if Gao was responsible for killing James Wesley as well, but she assured him she was not as Wesley had never shown her discourtesy. As Cage became distracted upon being attacked by Murakami, Gao continued fighting against Jones, managing to sneak behind her and sending her flying painfully backwards into a car. When Gao suggested to revise their plan in gaining more of the substance, Reid had berated her for giving up so quickly, before sharing her insight. This content is published for the entertainment of our users only. Once outside, Gao found Murakami lying on the floor as he popped his shoulder back into place and Gao demanded to know where the Defenders had gone and what happened to the Black Sky. Together, they formed the Hand,[4] using the bones of Dragons they could find to maintain their long lives. Gao settled in K'un-Lun and learned how to use Chi for healing. Soon, the Hand separated all the Defenders during the ambush, while Gao's men had been able to knock the Iron Fist off his feet. And in the defenders (s01e05), jessica jones kicks madame gao all the way across a room and there seemed to be nothing gao could do about it. Gao noted the power that the dragons had given them both, with Shou-Lao being the one who turned Rand into the Iron Fist, although Gao claimed his power was nothing, compared to eternal life. Gao then watched with satisfaction as the poison Wing was affected with had now begun to take over her body. Growing up as a child, Alex at all times enjoyed watching Spider-Man, Pokmon, Drake and Josh, and quite a lot of Disney Channel shows. During the ride down, Gao felt a bump in the elevator but she and her bodyguards chose to simply ignore the noise. Colleen Wing is a Marvel Comics character Gao was forced to watch as Bakuto ignored her objections and instead trained Rand to use the power of Chi to burn the poison out of Wing's body, thus saving her life. State government incentives may also be available; check with your state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agency to find out. The following evening, Gao had met Reid at her residence where Reid was having a drink before she prepared to watch the events unfold across all of New York City. While waiting, Gao was given some water by Claire Temple who also questioned if Gao was uncomfortable. However, while they were distracted by Jones, the Hand was suddenly ambushed by the other Defenders. Real Name Appearances able to communicate with co-workers. Alias(es) While Jones attempted to assist, Gao then threw Cage across the room before attacking her, proving to also be a match for Jones. Back in their headquarters, Gao was asked by Bakuto if they were no longer on speaking terms since he had last kidnapped her; however, Gao insisted that as long as they were all still part of the Hand, they would be on the same side. [2], Gao personally arrives into Rand Enterprises. Madame gao spars with him and brings him to his knees. Despite a lot of hints to Madame Gao's true identity, as of the end of Iron Fist season 1 it still hasn't been explicitly revealed. Having watched Reid's corpse being taken away, Gao listened as Bakuto told Elektra that this was not how they did business, to which Elektra informed him that this had now changed. Gao went on to say that while their fellow leaders could be clumsy in the way they expressed their feelings, she did agree with them, noting that the Black Sky had always been Reid's goal and now it had failed, which Reid still disagreed with. You may know danny rand by another name, the immortal iron fist. Why are all of GAO's workers blind? With keep watch over over many parts of the arena, whilst hidden in plain sight, the Hand has primary influence over people who are keen to succumb to their evil doings if it means being rewarded in great worth. Since becoming a member of Screen Rant, he has made more of an effort to indulge himself in all kinds of media to stay alongside of the days. Gao either returned or never left New York City, continuing her heroin trade despite eventually running into some new trouble when a rival dealer known as the Blacksmith began stepping into her territory to sell his own heroin. [28], Gao visiting Alexandra Reid in her quarters. As Daredevil thanked Gao for all of her assistance and prepared to leave, Gao then warned him that his path would not be an easy one before allowing him to leave. Due to the special nature of the work, 80 of them high blood pressure meds uk pfizer recall on blood pressure medicine are black female workers, who come from various tribes in this country. Daredevil (6 episodes)Luke Cage (mentioned)Iron Fist (9 episodes)The Defenders (6 episodes) Gao listened as Reid reminded them of all they had achieved under her leadership, noting that she had been the one to wipe out the Chaste and captured the Iron Fist. Gao discussing the Defenders retaliations. Gao discusses how best to destroy Elektra, Gao and the others later watched on monitors as Elektra took the captured Rand underneath Midland Circle in the pit the Hand had been digging. Gao noted that while Reid position of the Hand's leader was one of great power, she understood that it was also a great burden, hence why she had convinced the others to follow her leadership, under the single term that they would find the Iron Fist without the interference of the Black Sky, whom they had lost confidence with. Matt Murdock does not make a choice to be blind and goes through many hardships to reconsider his values and ways of lifestyles as a result of it. Gao directed him to the docks as her men believed he brought his drugs over by ships although she did not know which pier and so could not have him killed herself, advising him that the Blacksmith's ship would be well guarded. Actor Wai Ching Ho will add at least one more Netflix series to her resume, as the villainous Madam Gao will return to plague Marvel's Defenders. In the first season of Daredevil , Matt Murdock finds Madame Gao's warehouse full of blind drug workers, but the masked vigilante receives a mysterious answer when he asks the evil drug lord why they are blind. When Rand claimed that it could not be scarier than Shou-Lao, the dragon he had faced in K'un-Lun, Gao informed him that it was. Unsatisfied with this, Reid then ordered Gao to inform the other members of the Hand that they must accelerate their operations. Madame Gao is a very powerful woman running her own trade of heroin in Hell's Kitchen with the aid of Rand Enterprises. Reid had then departed from the Park, but not before asking Gao to finish feeding nearby pigeons, stating that they were all starving, much to Gao's annoyance. As her men failed to open the door, Gao then stepped forward and used her abilities to open the door with incredible force without even touching it. Gao then noted that once the bones had been removed from the underground caves, then the very foundation of New York City would crumble, resulting in the deaths of thousands or millions of innocent people, something which Gao showed no remorse for. Female While in her warehouse, Gao watched over her blind workers as they continued producing Steel Serpent Heroin. So I always found Madame Gao to be the best, most interesting, and most compelling villain of the Netflix shows, which is saying something because there were outstanding villains in those shows, most notably Wilson Fisk, Purple Man ("JESSICA!! Although Gao claimed the Hand had already won the war, Elektra insisted that only she could decide when they had won. Elektra, however, told the others that she did not care anything for the Hand, and instead claimed she only cared about gaining the Dragon bones hidden underneath New York City so that she and the others could live forever, promising that nothing, not even death, would stand in her way ever again. Rand threatened to strike her with the Iron Fist, but Gao was still unaffected, smiling at all of Rand's efforts to intimidate her. But Gao's arc is interesting, because her agenda doesn't seem to be about the drugs and she seems somewhat detached from The Hand. Madame Gao is the new leader of the ninja/criminal clan known as the Hand. Gao tells Alexandra Reid about the doorway, Gao then noted that the Elders of K'un-Lun were always aware of the Hand's arrival and plans to recreate the Resurrection Elixir, and then would have therefore likely blocked their pathway to get to the bones of the Dragons. Though madame gao appeared to be little more than a drug lord when we saw her in daredevil, iron fist revealed her to be a major part of the hand. ! She mentioned to daredevil as they were fighting that they did so in. During the chaos, Danny Rand managed to break free from Murakami's grip and then knocked Gao off her feet before she could do anything to stop him. Gao positioned herself in a cafe to overhear Davos' meeting with Joy Meachum in which they discussed their mutual hatred for Rand and agreed to kill him, which Gao listened to with great amusement as she sipped her tea and continued to listen to their discussion closely. Gao told Reid to consider her proposal and left her room, walking past Murakami along the way. Gao watched with amusement as the group prepared to fight as the Dojo was filled with smoke and soldiers stormed in. As the man recovered from the shock, Gao vanished without a trace, while the warehouse and all of her heroin burned down.[16]. Gao accepted this and in turn demanded that if he were to lose the contest, then he would never get involved with the Hand's activities again, with Rand accepted. Until the end of World War II, GAO primarily checked the legality and adequacy of government expenditures. Gao being almost destroyed by the Iron Fist, Iron Fist vowed that he would die before allowing Temple and Wing to come into harm's way, at which point Gao claimed that she would not allow him to die just yet, and ordered her men to kill the women and leave Iron Fist alive. She informed Owlsley about the encounter with the masked man and the destruction of the heroin. Jones soon managed to outplay Gao and knocked her back, leading to Murakami ordering Bakuto to set a fire which they used to get away from their now losing battle.[29]. As Rand questioned how Gao had gotten into the building, she just calmly explained that she had been a part of Rand Enterprises far longer than Rand himself had, noting that she did not plan on ever leaving. Subscribe for more content and follow us on Instagram .Episode 12: Dare. [18], Due to the threats made against him, Meachum did as he had been instructed by Gao, as a reward Gao had him wear a blindfold and took him to take a look at Joy Meachum from the building across from hers. Gao watched the fight unfolding, seeing Scythe put up a good fight; however, he was not as skilled as Danny Rand, so she made a silent retreat. 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