Polling numbers are not the only problem for Trump. Of note, the poll shows the Senator leading among Republicans, independents and Democrats. You know, we believe that when parents send their kids to school, its for education, not for indoctrination, and were gonna hold that line in Florida. The number of COVID-19-related deaths has also sharply risen in the state. Florida Gov. In a hypothetical matchup pitting DeSantis versus President Biden in 2024, DeSantis led 52%-44% among voters, exactly matching his lead from the January Suffolk University/USA TODAY network poll. The two premier contests next month are the governors races in New Jersey and Virginia. By continuing to use this website, you consent to Suffolk University's usage of cookies and similar technologies, in accordance with the, Florida Governor Also Pulls Ahead of Trump as Likely Republican Presidential Contender, Suffolk Journal of Trial & Appellate Advocacy, Suffolk University Political Research Center, Poll: DeSantis Leads Governor's Race as Rubio Edges Demings in Senate Bid. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Now everyone has seen the Trump show. But both men say they are running for re-election in 2022 and both are in very bad shape for incumbent politicians. Recall that Trump won the GOP nominationby blitzing his opponents with a relatively shortcampaign; the Republican field was inexperiencednationally, had never seen anything like Trump and was always on the defensive. Just over half of independents give DeSantis a favorable rating, and a majority of no-party voters favor him over Crist and Fried. Ron DeSantis delivers a speech during the one year Surfside Remembrance Event for the collapse of the 12-story Champlain Towers South condo building on June 24, 2022 in Surfside, Florida. But his moderation has endeared him to voters in his home state of West Virginia: He has a +22 net approval rating in the R+36 state, for a chamber-leading PARS Putting aside for the moment the fact that they are largely killing their own voters, Republican governors are suffering hits to their approval ratings, something no politician wants to see. DeSantis has a 50-43% favorability rating, while Crist has a negative 34-39% favorability rating, with more than a quarter of voters either not knowing him or having no opinion about him. Florida Politics Table #2: 10 states where governors have suffered the smallest losses in approval ratings during the pandemic. Sign up for the latest news about The Chamber, 1 SE 3rd Ave., Suite 1410 Miami, FL 33131 | +1 305 350 7700 | 2022 Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce. Most young men are single. Kamala is an underwhelming candidate but she is better than Hillary in that she's a sitting VP and the establishment will just use her as a puppet. But lack of discipline, impatience and self-pity are conspiring to drag him down. The public is not sympathetic tothe Capitol rioters of 2021, with68 percent disapproving, including majorities ofall demographic and ideological groups 58 percent amongRepublicans;52 percent think Trump had a lot or some responsibility, including majoritiesor pluralities of alldemographic groups; just 24 percent thinkhe had no responsibility. But nearly 90% of Democrats say they would pick Crist over DeSantis, and 83% say the same in a Fried/DeSantis head-to-head. All rights reserved. For more information, contact David Paleologos at 781-290-9310,[emailprotected]. If this keeps up, they may pay the political price. Why isnt Trump turning his rallies into mass vaccination sites? Independents disapproval rose from 38 percent to 51 Fifty-one percent of Texas voters during that time approved of Abbotts performance. DeSantis' press secretary also mentioned that, since mid-August, the overall number of confirmed COVID-19 hospitalizations has declined steadily by about 9.7 percent, according to the Florida Hospital Association. Also, the AC at my school was broken, so it was hot as Hell. WebRon DeSantis (R) Bio | Campaign Site Florida Snapshot RCP: Average: Gillum +3.6 RCP Ranking: Toss Up Key 2018 Races: Senate | FL-7 | FL-13 | FL-16 | FL-18 | FL-25 FL-26 | FL Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It's a very serious addiction. THE HILL 1625 K STREET, NW SUITE 900 WASHINGTON DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 TEL | 202-628-8503 FAX. Florida Gov. But that is where the good news ends. Among all voters, 48 percent now approve of DeSantis' job performance and 48 percent disapprove, according to a new poll from the market research company Morning Similarly, 79 percent of Republican voters in Texas approve of Abbott, slightly down from 80 percent in July. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. Trump has done a number on Pence within the GOP. Since then, the state has broken that new record nine times. Phone surveys are notoriously problematic because results can suffer from bias unless they are weighted to match the demographic composition of the populationwhich doesn't appear to be the case here. I mean arent both of there approval ratings dropping? A March 21 study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that mask mandates led to "statistically significant decreases in county-level daily COVID-19 case and death growth rates." With Hispanics a top GOP target group DeSantis is underwater 28 percent to 33 percent(20 percent very unfavorable), but Trump is down38 percent to 52 percent (41 percent very unfavorable). BREAKING: Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis re-election chances are put in major jeopardy as a new poll of Florida voters shows that hes losing to Democrat Charlie Crist, who is at 48% of the vote compared to DeSantis 47%. Approval ratings of the incumbent Democratic Governor, Ralph Northam, have dropped 10 points to 49%, which is still better than the average drop of 14.38% for Democratic governors. At least some of the claims around purported shifts in Florida's gubernatorial race appear to be referencing a private poll by Tony Fabrizio, a veteran GOP strategist and pollster. Independents disapproval rose from 38 percent to 51 percent. RealClearPolitics Friday average showed Biden with a net approval of -13.5 percent. Now, with his approval ratings slipping and COVID getting worse here in Florida, I think Harris has more of a shot. In the 2016 Florida GOP Primary, Trump easily defeated hometown favorite Senator Marco Rubio 46%-27%. The drops in support come as the Texas Republican made headlines for cracking down on mask and vaccine mandates amid a surge of the COVID-19 delta variant in the state. Nearly half of all Florida voters now disapprove of Republican Governor Ron DeSantis' job performance. Donald Trumps popular support among Florida voters appears to be waning as DeSantis gains momentum. But since Northam cant run again, the Democratic candidate, former Governor Terry McAuliffe, is in a tight race with wealthy businessman and Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin. RT IF YOU HOPE THAT DESANTIS LOSES IN NOVEMBER! The Jan. 6House select committee hearings are not helping. Just 37% rated the Florida economy as excellent or good, down 10 points from January. DeSantis approval rating is down to 36% and Abbotts is even lower, at 32%. The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill, by Keith Naughton, opinion contributor - 06/26/22 10:30 AM ET, by Antjuan Seawright, Opinion Contributor, by Douglas E. Schoen, opinion contributor, Lawmakers trounce Lobbyists in annual charity hockey game, These four House Republicans broke with the GOP to oppose inflation estimates bill, Biden mocks Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Isnt she amazing?, Union rep: Employees reporting illness after working on cleanup for East Palestine derailment, Biden urges Democrats to tout policy wins: Let the people know who did it for them, Pence disagrees with Haleys call for competency tests: The American people can sort that out, Judge says Starbucks committed egregious and widespread labor violations fighting unions, Washington applauds private-sector insulin cap, China, trade and national security: The tools we need. Echelonputs DeSantis ahead of Pence, 39 percent to 18 percent; innorecent poll is DeSantis behind. "This GOP poll shows Floridians are tired of DeSantis's singular, selfish focus on the 2024 presidential election and ready to usher in a new leader that can actually address the real affordability burdens Floridians are dealing with all across the Sunshine State. As Table #1 indicates, with two exceptions, the top 10 governors who have suffered the largest losses are Republican. Its new record for most new cases reported in a single day occurred on August 10 with 56,610 newly reported cases. The most important number in this poll isnt that Nikki Fried is leading DeSantis its that DeSantis is underwater, with 53.8% of Floridians disapproving of his handling of COVID-19, saidKevin Cate,a senior advisor to Fried. Helags Trump nationally and inprimary polling. Term Limits. Subscribe now to get the latest news delivered right to your inbox. Among independents, 60 percent approve and 23 percent disapprove. "As a practical matter, 'policy changes' do not stop highly transmissible respiratory viruses from spreading," DeSantis' press secretary Christina Pushaw told Newsweek. Among Republicans, 85 percent approve of the Governor while 10 percent disapprove. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This month, lets celebrate women like Marcy Kaptur, Feehery: Progressive DC government turning city into a dystopia, Budowsky: Mike Pence, democracy and the Republican Partys future, The Memo: Lightfoot is latest Democrat to fall to anger over crime, Why a DC crime bill is creating big problems for Democrats, Trump successfully chilled FBI from being willing to investigate anything related to him: Peter Strzok. "Note that the data is from surveys of Registered voters and NOT likely voters. What we know so far is that in the two gubernatorial races coming up next month it is clear that its the pandemic stupid. In New Jersey, the incumbent governor, Phil Murphy, is running for re-election. The battle has been highly publicized in recent weeks, with school districts and local governments taking on the governors as schools return for in-person learning. As the Appendix to this article shows, the pandemic has taken its toll on almost everyone. This Pulse poll of 800 likely voters in Florida has an accuracy of +/- 3.5% with a 95% level of confidence. First of all, the 1 percent lead is effectively negligible, given the poll's margin of error of +/- 2.9 percent. Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 5:55 pm. The veteran GOP operative was the pollster for Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, and is a long-time friend of Trump allies Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, both of whom have been pardoned by Trump. According to FiveThirtyEight,Trump was regularly besting DeSantis with totals in the upper 50s tomore than60 percent, but the last time he hit 60 percent was inEchelonslate-April poll. Ron DeSantis (R) on Thursday signed the states Freedom First Budget and ripped President Biden, who is experiencing ever-tanking approval Redistricting 2021: Red states, blue voters, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Politics and International Relations. Thats a sizable surge in popularity for the governor, who trailed Trump 47%-40% in a Suffolk poll taken in January. By the end of August, 76 percent disapproveda 4 percent increase. Many pundits assume that the two high profile Republican governors, Ron DeSantis in Florida and Greg Abbott in Texas, have set their sights on the presidency and hope to inherit the Trump mantle in the Republican presidential primaries if he doesnt run. Florida Gov. Every little bit helps. The Trump show is gettingstale,and he is unable to put distance between himself and hapless Biden making Trump look like a loser. The subset of 163 likely 2024 Democratic Primary voters for president has a margin of error of +/-7.7 percentage points and the subset of 174 likely 2024 Republican Primary voters for president has a margin of error of +/-7.4 percentage points. Nikki Fried just came out in support of bringing kids to drag shows. Trump is down43 to 53 percent with independents,36 to 58 percent with Hispanics, and at a deficit with seniors. DeSantis favorable rating of 32% put him between two leading Democrats: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer at 31%, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at 35%. As President Trump dithered his way through the first months of the pandemic, it became clear that when it came to peoples daily lives, governors would be the ones with the power. Ron DeSantis (R) on Thursday signed the states Freedom First Budget and ripped President Biden, who is experiencing ever-tanking approval ratings, telling the commander in chief to look in the mirror for once.. McAuliffe has been taking advantage of the fact that Trump endorsed Youngkin, but he has also been running hard on the policies that need to be passed to control Covid. Your favorite tequila battle is back on 4/7/23! His worst result is Trafalgar, ata 35-60 percent deficit (Reuters and Quinnipiac are nearly identical at 36-58 and 35-58, respectively); his best is YouGov, at a43-53percent deficit. The numbers are nearly identical to last February, when DeSantis had a 53%-42% approval rating. Andall this when Trump is the only Republican really running. Florida Gov. Trump is on the defensive and faces a longfight and thatis not where Trump does well. Marginals and full cross-tabulation data are posted on theSuffolk University Political Research Centerwebsite: www.suffolk.edu/SUPRC. Asked to rate DeSantis handling of the pandemic, nearly 54% of voters have an unfavorable or very unfavorable view of the Governors performance, including nearly 34% with a very unfavorable view. Naughton is a former Pennsylvania political campaign consultant. DeSantis does not poll much betterat this stage,but DeSantis is still relativelyunknownnationally,and voters tend to ride the fence without more information. A February-March poll by Saint Leo University gave a whopping 16-point advantage to DeSantis. The good news for Trump is that hestill has high approval numbers among Republicans and leads in allbut one of theGOP primaryballot tests. He appears to be comfortably ahead of his Republican opponent and his approval ratings during the pandemic have dropped only 5 points. The place to share political maps and join the community. In a head-to-head with the Orlando Congresswoman, Rubio leads 55% to Demings 45%. He still has, as of September, a 60% approval rating as the Appendix shows. Red-state governors are in trouble with majorities because they are pandering to a subset of voters in their party who have decided to equate what most voters see as public health common sense with an attack on liberty. But claims that DeSantis is already falling behind his opponent are at the very least premature. GOP Candidate: Ron DeSantis (Incumbent) Dem Candidates: Charlie Crist, Nikki Fried, Annette Taddeo, David Nelson Freeman. Please considermaking a one time or monthly donationto help support our staff. Just a small uptick in fortunecould make Trump a two-time loser to Biden. Approval ticked down slightly from 25 percent to 24 percent. COVID-19 is crushing red states. Newsweek has reached out to DeSantis for comment. Based on a casual reading of the polls, Donald Trump looks to have smooth sailing to the Republican presidential nomination in 2024andthe chance to erase the stink of losing to Joe Bidenthathe so covets. On DeSantis' overall job performance, voters are divided with 47 percent approving and 45 percent disapproving of the way he's handling his job as governor. Statewide, 64 percent of Florida voters approve of the job DeSantis is doing, versus just 24 percent who disapprove. WebOf all the elected officials mentioned in the survey, DeSantis has the highest job approval rating at 58%. TheYahoo survey shows just 31 percent of the public wants Trump to run; only 29 percent of independents agree, whilenot a single demographic is net positive. At 58 % echelonputs DeSantis ahead of Pence, 39 percent to 24 percent disapprove... Most new cases reported in a Suffolk poll taken in January and his approval ratings dropping in a poll! Percent who disapprove Crist over DeSantis, and at a deficit with seniors Candidate Ron... To 51 Fifty-one percent of Texas voters during that time approved of Abbotts.. Leads 55 % to Demings 45 % a deficit with seniors 90 % of Democrats say they are for... 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