The thing is, book fairs are not for authors. Thanks Reedy for this information. Any feedback appreciated (Lee), I am just wondering if Parchment Global publishing is a reputable company as they are interested in my book. Unqualified staff. Anyone know anything about this company ? If an agent contacts you out of the blue (and you aren't already a bestselling author), they're probably not 100% legit. I am wondering about White Bird Publishing--it seems to be a hybrid publisher but not claiming to be. However, it's tough to know what to think without seeing their agreement. The CEO is incompetent, as is the rest of her appointed staff. There is a fee. Would appreciate any information you have on him. I was also co reacted by EC Publishing, LLC I. Balboa Press was set up in 2013 by Hay House, as its "self-publishing arm". My book is selfpublished with x-libris but it's not 100% royalty. I want to know have anyone heard about this company. When it comes to agents, its best to stick to vetted lists like that of the Association of Author Representatives or our directory of almost 700 literary agents across the world. The continuously lost requested info from me including blurb, bio, and even book. Do you know anything about Gold Touch Press in NYC? In terms of where and how to find literary agents, check this out: Good luck to you! Do the right thing . They posted a fun-looking writing contest, but I don't know if they are legit. They're a very well known vanity press and not one we'd suggest you pursue. As I indicated in a prior message here, they tried to gaslight me and implicate me as 'problematic' and uninformed about the world of publishing. Tate went belly up. If so, what was your experience? I didn't agreed to anything and had several red flags in our phone conversations. Are they reputable? They are industry events where booksellers, publishers, agents and libraries negotiate on rights and distribution. I am a new author and recently published my first book, The Devil Picked The Girls But They Watched The Angel, published Author House 2017. What can you tell me about Outskirts Press. If they ask you to pay for anything/co-finance the book, then you should start looking deeper, but they seem like they could be legit. Never heard of them. Is Writers Republic reputable/legitimate? Is Go To reputable? They want me to pay them--need some information ASAP. They said investors are paying for my interview with AL Cole and I have to pay for the air time. I do have a very real 65,000 word manuscript that I thought TBN was good to publish, but I do not have $5,000. What do you know about Rushmore Press? The lower amount was a publishing only arrangement with editing and printing and listing on amazon. Beacon Publishing Group is a registered trademark. Covenant Books we've mentioned a few times here (be careful) but Shadow Mountain looks pretty legit. What to expect to pay for reputable services Pre-made ebook cover. A publisher called Beacon Publishing Group (there seem to be a few legit pubs called Beacon, though) is using cover images of books it does not publish in its "Available Now" section on its website. Thank you for any advice! Beacon Publishing Group accept all genres of Fiction and Nonfiction. I am currently working on a book, and I was found a publisher she seems nice but her contract is 3 years at a time it stats that she can republish etc. Should I be afraid that they may try to publish, sell, or otherwise abuse my manuscript? I haven't found them on one of the links you provided, but will keep digging for more info. I am wondering if you have any info on this. Then they ask the receiver to click on a link that supposedly will "provide us PayPal information to receive royalty payments." Did you know that if you dont register the copyright of your book, literally anybody could claim it as their work and profit from it? Based on my experience, the money, if any, is in the screen play. Please download and complete the relevant Book Proposal Form below and return to I read somewhere it is valued at $5,000, which seems totally excessive. They say they will put my book in a London book fair. Now, there are "assisted self-publishing companies" out there very different from vanity publishers who're great: they do take care of everything, but they let *you* self-publish the book. If a publisher contacts you unsolicited, then chances are they are not. Even if they help you polish your manuscript before submitting it to publishers, it should not come with a charge. I have two manuscripts that I want to get published. You don't know how much their services actually cost. Thanks! Secondly, your agent should never ask you to pay for anything. Enter your email or get started with a social account: 1. To understand why publishing with a vanity press is a terrible idea, head on over to the next post in this guide, which discusses the dangers of paying to publish. It's your money you need to be worried about. Balboa Press is Hay House's vanity imprint. Ripoff Report | Complaints Reviews Scams Lawsuits Frauds Reported. Have been contacted by Parchment Global Publishing with the initial call coming out of the blue. Export for ebook and print. They say they invited me to Jacob javitts and help me sell. However I am troubled that I have not found any reviews for Brandylane/Belle Isle anywhere! HELP! Anyone have experience with them? Has anyone heard of SOOP? HURRAH! Would you have a place I could call/write about legitimate literary agents? One last thing: when a company like that says they'll do your marketing, it tends to mean very little. Nope. I am going to research this information. And what about Shadow Mountain. Something or Other Publishing? 100% free, always. I would very much like to work with them. Well I spent 6 months learning everything from scratch. They are fraudulent and they revise to even address the fact they were in breech of contract ever though it was pointed out in ever single email I sent to them. To find contests that have been vetted, you can look through this directory of the best writing competitions. Do you know anything about this company? And "The Author agrees to place a non-refundable deposit, which represents the "plus $2.00 per unit" equal to $5,000 upon the execution of this agreement". I have now told them to back off and I will not go with them. The IP valuation (how much could the IP POTENTIALLY earn during the life of the author plus 70 years?) A quick look at their website seems fairly promising. BBB also . . A well-known cluster of scammers is the Filipino network previously associated with Authors Solution and now operates separately. I was sorely misled and after forking over close to $4000 sold very few books under their "guidance" (which supposedly included a decent amount of marketing.) Ive used vanity publishers before and loved it. Does this sound legitimate? Our capabilities include title acquisition and development, editorial, design, promotion, sales, warehousing, and distribution. After the book was published they kept calling me to spend more money on advertising at book fairs which I know is a total scam. Also, is Submittable reputable? New Reader is a scam. Hi, I just found your article, thank you for the info. However, I'm leery of putting my credit card info into their site, even if it does have the https in their URL. Because of this, we have decided to launch a full program with OverDrive and other library eBook platforms to sell all of the current SELF-e Select collections and other curated titles under our Indie Author Project (IAP) brand. What We Publish Marketing packages that sound essential Thank you. Their sales ranking, # of reviews, and cover art quality will give you a pretty good idea of their standing. I think they are a hybrid, but not sure. I lost a considerable amount of money and prior to severing my association with them realized just under $40.00 in royalties. Having your book displayed in a random stand there is not going to sell a single copy, because readers don't go to book fairs. I was also contacted by the Dream Books Distribution. Top leaders at the firm have never had to cold-call or do primary research and it shows when they say "call more" or "primary isn't hard as long as you call enough people." The level of disconnect shows when employees are overpromised what their job will encompass. 'Literary agents' promising book deals, 3. - a lot of their "marketing" services, though not crazy expensive, seem quite useless. In the US, registering that copyright simply provides a few statutory rights when it comes to claiming damages and it should only cost you $45 to apply for it online (as of February 2022). To their credit, they seem pretty transparent about their costs. I am all over the web. I think I was a victim. Thats called business. You wrote "But with the traditional business model, publishers are incentivized to release quality books and foster long, healthy relationships with authors." I did a reverse search on the phone number and it's legit as is the website. Does anyone have any experience with Covenant Books? The video and web page will genuinely do very little to sell copies of your book without those other piece in place (and are both something you could probably do in an afternoon, if you apply yourself). Be aware of Trafford Publishing. If you're going to spend $800 on anything, invest them in a proper marketing course, or on a reputable freelance marketing professional: I just got an offer to publish my book from Black Rose Writing. Or is the company more of a vanity press? They appear to sell books and audiobooks in retailers like Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and published their latest book, "Ambush at Fig Tree Gulch," in April 2022. I vetted YOP before I jumped in and found nothing but Victoria said they were a fairly new company with only a handful of clients. Please let me know if you've heard of these type of interviews and their formalities. Thanks in advance. Hi wanted to know what you think of new book authors. Is Dream books Distribution in Hollywood a scam? They are con merchants of the worst kind. Because your book has been selected by curators in our network (including Library Journal), you are now eligible for our IAP Select commercial collections and to receive royalties." Looks like they are a member of the IPG and partner member of ALLi, which vouches for them. Do you have any info on this company? They do editing, print formatting, cover design, and eBook conversion but you can also provide your own finished files, and their technicians will check the files over for any technical issues before printing, converting or distributing. After a little over a year, he was told it was ready. The tendency with package deals (where you pay a fixed price for all the things you listed) is that the author has no idea who is doing all of that work. Thanks. Horrible. By the way, their solicitation for services is up to $7500.00 US, as of this comment-writing. The books have already been published and are now out of print. Realizing my topic my delightfully eccentric mother was a limited interest in terms of the commercial market, I just wanted a beautifully produced book. it usually is." If it's graphically complex, then you may want to consider hiring a formatter otherwise you can, if you want, use a free tool to format the book yourself. Many scammers impersonate reputable literary agents, film producers, and traditional publishers with fake publishing or movie rights offers requiring author "investments" of thousands of dollars. Thank you for this. Beacon Press Staff If you are interested in submitting a manuscript to Beacon Press, please view our submissions guidelines. The company retains a A+ Better Business Bureau rating. All of us have to keep our eyes wide open. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The website is here: and our He couldn't even get through my email to send me the contracts. Learn how Reedsy can help you craft a beautiful book. When I pointed out one of her errors, she tried to pass it off by saying: 'that typo was deliberate, put there to test you, and you've passed the test,' followed by more errors! That doesn't sound like a great deal at all. If they contacted you unsolicited, then chances are that they are a vanity press. I feel if your book get accepted by a publisher, the company should pay you or get paid by royalties. That publisher is based in NY. Even though I have a ready InDesign file of the book, he mentioned that they would usually make a design on their own. If you're ready to put in the time and effort to research it then you don't need to pay $5k for someone to teach you Save that money for editing, design and marketing. They do offer a self-publishing track, where they provide all the usual publishing services for a fee instead of buying the book, but they're a legit publisher. Thank you for sharing your experience about Author House, though, it corroborates the experience of many other writers we've heard of. Here's a good litmus test look up the books they've published on Amazon. Supposedly they already have large publishing firms very interested in my book. We're hearing a lot of 'book fair' offers but if you've been contacted out of the blue, then chances are they're looking to make money off of you. I didn't sign the contract. They will publish my book, and want me to sign a 3 year contract, but they want me to buy 45 books at 30 % discount, which raises my flag. Everything you read above about scammers is true with this group. No, but after a brief look at their website they seem like one of the numerous Author Solutions copycats that have sprouted in the Philippines in recent years. Some publishers require authors to buy bulk quantities of their own books. One of the leading traditional book publishing houses in the industry. Be very careful with them. You can read more about the cons of Inkitt's marketing here: Ive contacted a few authors who have used them but would like more input. There are, however, competitions that are little more than money-spinning enterprises. I can't see what they're charging, but I suspect they're not cheap. Does anyone have any information on Mascot Books, I believe we've mentioned Mascot in reply to another question in the comments here. I looked them up BBB and google complaints and havent seen anything negative and a a little positive. Selling a book is something that most authors struggle with. That is my hope but there are so many scammers and by wanting that money up front, well, something about that guy has pretty much ended these hopes. This is very helpful, though I don't understand all of it. Are the books priced competitively That's actually why they're called "vanity publishers" in the first place :) They are a Christian publishing house, and have accepted my Christian manuscript. I was contacted by email. Reedsy is more than just a blog. I'm not a against a secular publisher but my series is a Christian one. I love it!But then the comment space slid up out from under my fingers and a pop-up jiggled at me. Are they reputable? It LOOKS good, but how am I to know? From what I gather, Book Baby is pretty good. My thanks for any direction you may offer. Writers who ask too many questions, or balk at spending yet more money, may simply be ghosted. To be honest, most online retailers for indie authors will supply their own identification codes these days. Yesterday I got a call from FolioAvenue, a small company offering a literary agent who will work to have my book accepted by a larger more influential publisher than my current Balboa. And, in a couple of incidences I told the company I will not be harassed or intimidated to publish when I felt the manuscript was not completed to my liking, Thanks for such invaluable information. It was a mess. Thank you! If youre not planning to distribute to brick-and-mortar stores, youll probably be fine without an ISBN. And sure, you'll have to learn all these things, but no one said that becoming a full-time author would be easy! They promote to the mentally ill, I'm sure as easy prey. I have Book avenue publishing helping with material for book, do you know of them and Nivra press their mother company. They're a "boutique" house (everything outside the Big Five is, really) and I enjoyed a lot of support and personal attention from the EIC and the Publisher. The review, entirely favourable, was complete in 3 weeks. My book has been chosen as a finalist for book of the year. well now I know why your still nothing. The weird thing is that I have researched Self Publishing School online and I haven't seen any bad reviews. Though self-publishing, by definition, means that youre doing it yourself, there are companies out there who can give you a hand. What you think about Newman Spring Publishingthey do everything $3400 over a 10 month payment planif they choose your book for publishing How would you rate Page Publishing and Novum Publishing ?? I got a call from Authors Press last night. You assured me of a refund . I won't give them money. Just curious as to what their standing is, in the self-publishing community. I have seen 3 complaints, but don't know if that is enough to be concerned about. If it hadn't been for the semi-literate 'editor', I'd have gone ahead. Just got accepted to Page Publishing? Can you help? i have been getting harassing calls from their sales people, and despite me saying they are doing a sales a pitch they continually deny it. Take this free 10-day course to understand your choices. Both are non-fiction. Every author or speaker who needs to get their message out should use traditional publishing with random house who takes over your book rights and pays out a meager 8.25% of every sale? I just realized that I had been taken by cindyhill@bookthoughtspublishing. Did they offer 10% of the sale price or profits? You just saved me from making a horrible decision. Every year, the publishing world flock to a handful of book fairs where the rights to publish new titles are snapped up. Thank you for shouting at me. I had an excellent experience with CreateSpace, Amazons publishing service. Obnoxious pop-up moved to inoffensive sidebar. "If it sounds too good to be true . Don't fall for it. They use fighting stigma activism to conceal narcissistic maneuvering. IMO BookBaby is reputable. Dear Jacqueline, Most of the time, I say, "Thanks but no thanks." So, looks to me that they are asking for a WHOLE lot more than even their original ask. However, recently, RUSHMORE PRESS has bombarded me with phone calls from a number that is 800 (Service) which is an instant "red flag" for me. reasonable costs for self-publishing services, read more about our selection criteria here. I can't find anything about them either, which is generally a bad sign (a reputable publisher, even small, would have a website). What I'm finding out is that a true publishing house will never ask for money. I have not signed a contract, and I have paid nothing. I have received an offer from Belle Isle publishing, the co-op branch of Brandylane Publishing. The persons name is Derrick McIlroy.. Are they scammers? I did some research & drove a hard bargain. The author has talked up a book he wrote on his site. After viewing the results, we are happy to announce that the pilot was a resounding success! I don't plan to click on the link because I never do that if I'm not certain of where it will take me. But I still find the blur very annoying. . I believe that with a bit of research and motivation, you could learn everything he's teaching on your own. Not really looking to 'sell' books, they just want to see their story and family history in print, good quality, of course. Thanks for this additional info. Thanks God I didn't pay anything.They are big scammers. Can't see any reviews, but it looks like they're the "hybrid" wing of CrossLink Publishing. For example, if youre planning a wedding, you could do it yourself and buy silverwear from this company, buy plates from that wholesaler, order food from that restaurant, and freelance some waiters to help you out and pull together all the moving parts OR you could hire a wedding planning/catering agency that does it all and alleviates the headache. I'm trying to do my due diligence on publishing companies but I'm having a hard time deciphering between a traditional publisher and vanity press. In short, read the fine print. If you belong to the 99% of authors whove yet to achieve major success, the only way to get an agent to represent you and your book is to send them a query letter. I have experienced cold calls. What dangers do authors face from scammers and shady 'publishing companies'? Beacon Publishing Group books and audio books are currently being sold in over 55 countries & continuing to grow. Is Parchment Global Publishing a vetted and reliable company please? They said they will start open readings period in December which means they're selective and it's good, right? Of course! Agents work on commission, meaning the only time you pay them is when theyve successfully helped sell your book to a publisher. Become a member today to discover how we can help you publish a beautiful book. Youre not a well-known author, that kind of attitude? I have already talked to a representative and of course they want $5,000 and I told the man that I don't have that kind of money to spend right now. Lets dig into some of the miraculous marketing solutions that authors are often sold: Press Releases. We since pulled the book because our single contact (who seems to be the only person there) was starting to comb my voice out and replace it with hers. If it is a reputable company, no problem. What do you think? If their editors contact YOU, then that's a red flag. Senior Manager. That said, if you prefer the handholding that goes with this type of program, then it might be a good option for you. Get exclusive updates on new releases, bestsellers, and more. He then proceeded to tell me that I didnt have any goals for my book. If they claim to be publishers, they may be benefitting from having a similar name to Pearson, which is a major publishing group. Publications. Anyone have any information? Some massively prolific vanity presses you may wish to avoid include: Some scammers even masquerade under the name of Big Five imprints. I was lulled in by AuthorHouse and fell victim to their scams. Hi, I've been presented with a deal to re-publish my first book; and then to publish my 2nd book (manuscript completed). Over 3,000 vetted editors, designers, and marketers are available for hire. As we mentioned in the post: ***Be wary of unsolicited offers. Anyone ever heard of The Mulberry BooksPublishing House? What did they say? Ugly Ducking Presse are definitely a legitimate non-profit publisher. They have the whiff of a lot of Author Solutions clones that have recently started to pop up. Shady as hell. CW. US$ 200-400 for approx 80,000 words. The book came out great but it was made only in paperback and I couldn't set my own price and I don't have 100% royalty. They seem to have published only a single book a year in the past few years, all of which have, frankly, terrible covers and very few user reviews on Amazon. to get featured in New York Times. It's tough to know which company you're talking about, as there seem to be a lot of publishing companies with "Mulberry" in their name. You can check a leaked website from these people Thanks! Congratulations on winning one of their contests and receiving a (positive) free review from them! Can anyone tell me more about this publisher and whether or not I should be wary of them? Many of those companies will outsource the work to low-priced freelancers or get their interns to do it. Please tell what you know about Covenant Books. With a bit of elbow grease and a willingness to learn about self-publishing, you could probably do a better job putting the book out yourself with the help of a few freelance editors and designers. Just got an email from them. I want to publish an inspirational/spiritual book. Other than that, they don't raise any red flags. There is a comment below about Author Academy, which I'd encourage you to read. Convenant publishing company is an hybrid company. I have received an "invitation" from EC Publishing to represent the book at the Frankfort Book Fair in Oct. And not only do they make you pay for that, but many also then take royalties on the sales afterwards, and rope you into year-long publishing contracts in which some go as far as grabbing your subsidiary rights as well. Beacon has a broad array of titles in fiction & non-fiction, including business, young adult, history, romance, mystery, horror, comedy, childrens, health & wellness and more. Avoid companies that offer grand (yet vague) promises of instant stardom. Ok thank you. Does anyone have any experience or comments on blkdg publishing out of London? The award-winning company has been behind the publication of books, ebooks, and audiobooks, and has a distribution system that spans over fifty-five countries. thank you for saving me. Chicago Review Press Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoirs D. X. Varos, Ltd. We publish genre-fiction in the categories of science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and historical fiction. Fees range from a few hundred dollars to more than $25,000. I believe this may be a scam artist. In the US, registering that copyright simply provides a few statutory rights when it comes to claiming damages and it should only cost you $45 to apply for it online (as of February 2022). He has not, so far. Frank Johnson doesn't think so, which is why the 33-year-old now lives in a nursing home, locked in a chess-match feud with management that doesn't occupy nearly enough of his time. The address is in CA yet they are actually operating from the Philippines. New York is home to Beacon Publishing Group, an independent leftist publisher that publishes both fiction and non-fiction manuscripts. What is the best way to reach and get accepted by a traditional publisher? What is one to do? Predatory companies will offer to display your book at one of these fairs for a fee. Just realized that i want to know what to think without seeing their agreement and. Abuse my manuscript that a true Publishing House will never ask you to pay for the 'editor... 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